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Books with author Mapler Press

  • Jumanji

    Maple Press

    eBook (Maple Press, May 15, 2016)
    This story centres on 12 year old Alan Parrish who accidentally found this board game called #Jumanji which took him and his friend Sarah on a wild ride. As they started playing the game they found out that whatever happened in the game, took place in reality too! They got attacked by bats and chased by wild elephants and then suddenly Alan got pulled inside the board. Sarah got scared and ran away never looking back. Twenty six years later, Peter and Judy found the game. What happened next? Did they win the game? Or did they get trapped in the game too? Let us find out!
  • Mahabharata

    Maple Press

    language (Maple Press, Aug. 2, 2016)
    One of the greatest Hindu epics, Mahabharata is about human relationships and family dynamics. Each character in the epic tale has something to teach us. While Bhishma teaches us the virtues of commitment, Duryodhana teaches us the pitfalls of unchecked ambition. While Gandhari teaches us the beauty of spousal love and sacrifice, Draupadi teaches us about the powers of a woman. Krishna is the epitome of enlightenment, while Arjuna signifies the constant battle between the head and the heart. These stories are as relevant today as they were when written, and mirror the societal interface through the times.
  • Tenali Raman

    Maple Press

    language (Maple Press, Aug. 4, 2016)
    This book consists of interesting stories about Tenali Raman, the Vikatakavi in the court of King Krishnadeva Raya during his reign in South India. Each tale in this book reveals some or all facets of Tenali’s character-wit, wisdom and fair play. He was the favourite courtier of King Krishnadeva Raya, advising him in matters of the state along with being a poet by profession. These stories will teach valuable morals to children through humourous anecdotes.
  • Guru Nanak - Classic Tales

    Maple Press

    eBook (Maple Press, May 12, 2016)
    This story is of Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism and the first of the ten Gurus of the Sikhs. This is a story about a man called Kauda. Who was Kauda? What did he do? This story tells us all this. This story also tells us how Guru Nanak changed Kauda's life. One afternoon, Guru Nanak and Bhai Mardana were crossing through a forest. They had been walking in the forest for two days. Both Guru Nanak and Bhai Mardana were very hungry, as they had not eaten anything for the past two days. Bhai Mardana said to Guru, “Guru Nanak, please do something. I will die of hunger. Please find me something to eat. I cannot go on walking like this.”Guru Nanak said, “Bhai Mardana, please wait for some time. We are very near to a village. I am sure we will find something to eat in that village.” What happened next?
  • Krishna - Classic Tales

    Maple Press

    language (Maple Press, June 5, 2016)
    The stories of Krishna appear across a broad spectrum of Hindu philosophical and theological traditions.Krishna is a Hindu deity, worshipped across many traditions of Hinduism in a variety of different perspectives. Krishna is recognized as the complete and eighth avatar of the God Vishnu or as the Supreme God in own right. Krishna is one of the most widely revered and popular of all Hindu deities.We have all heard stories of good versus evil. This is one such story. Little Krishna was born as the eighth son of Devaki and it was known that Kansa, the evil brother of Devaki, would be killed by the eighth son of Devaki. Kansa had imprisoned his sister Devaki and her husband Vasudeva and he used to kill all her children. Will he manage to kill Krishna too? Or will evil be defeated by good once again? Let us find out! This 16-page richly illustrated book is a part of our Classic tales collection, which consists of stimulating and enthralling stories for children.
  • The Prince And The Pauper: Illustrated Classic Tales

    Maple Press

    language (Maple Press, Dec. 21, 2016)
    This is a story about a prince and a very poor boy. One day, the prince and the poor boy exchanged their places. What happened after that? Was the prince able to come back to his palace? Let us read the story and find out.
  • The Story Of King Midas: Illustrated Classic Tales

    Maple Press

    eBook (Maple Press, July 29, 2016)
    Midas was once a very rich king who ruled the land of Phygia. He lived in a huge castle with his wonderful daughter called Zoe. Midas thought that his huge pile of gold made him happiest of all. Once, God Dionysu’s friend fell asleep in King Midas garden. When King Midas saw him, he treated Silenus very well. When God saw this he became very happy and said to Midas, “You can ask me for anything.” In an instant Midas replied, “I wish that everything that I touch would turn to gold!” Dionysus frowned, “Are you sure that’s what you want?” “Oh yes,” Midas answered, “Very well,” said Dionysus. Read the complete story of king Midas from ebook.
  • Ramayana - Classic Tales

    Maple Press

    language (Maple Press, May 16, 2016)
    Ramayana is the story of Lord Rama written by Valmiki. Set in the backdrop of the city of Ayodhya, this story depicts the victory of good over evil. The King of Ayodhya, Dashratha, had four sons named Rama, Laxmana, Bharata and Shatrughana. This book narrates the journey of Lord Rama in the wilderness with wife Sita and brother Lakshaman and his quest to find Sita who gets kidnapped by Ravana-the ten headed king of Lanka. Ramayana is also meant to preach notions of Dharma. This book retells the story of Lord Rama with colourful illustrations and in a simple language for the better understanding of the young children.
  • The Thirsty Crow: Illustrated Classic Tales

    Maple Press

    language (Maple Press, July 25, 2016)
    Once upon a time, there lived a Crow in a jungle near a town. This Crow had been travelling for a very long time and therefore was very thirsty. He looked around for water, but could not find any. The Crow started feeling very weak without water. But, still he continued to look for water. He flew all over the jungle and the nearby town. When the Crow was flying over the town, he saw a house. He thought, “I am sure that there will be some water over here.” He flew to the roof of the house and sat down. Then, he looked around. All of a sudden, he saw a pot. He went to the pot and looked inside. What happened after that? Was the Crow able to get water from pot ? Let us read the story and find out.
  • Vikram And Betaal

    Maple Press

    language (Maple Press, Aug. 4, 2016)
    This book consists of interesting tales of the mighty king Vikram and the willful ghost Betaal, which have enchanted the young and the old alike. Through these tales children will learn about the myriad of tricky questions that Betaal poses while riding the king’s back, and the quick, witty and thoughtful answers that king Vikram gives with his presence of mind. The book is replete with colourful pictures to give wings to the children’s imagination.
  • Panchatantra

    Maple Press

    language (Maple Press, May 16, 2016)
    ‘Panchatantra’ means ‘the five principles of conduct’. The stories of Panchatantra were written by Vishnusarman. In these stories, the main characters are played by animals.These stories are meant to teach children valuable life lessons. One such story is covered here about a Brahmin and three thieves. Let us read their story.
  • The Indian In The Cupboard - Classic Tales

    Maple Press

    eBook (Maple Press, June 7, 2016)
    The Indian in the Cupboard is a children's book by British author Lynne Reid Banks. A Long time ago, there lived a boy called Omri in Manhattan. Omri was nine years old. He lived with his family. He was a very nice boy. One day, on Omri’s birthday, Omri’s father gave him an old wooden cupboard. The old cupboard was very beautiful. It was also very big.Omri’s mother gave him the key to that cupboard and his friend Patrick gave him a little Indian figure. This Indian figure was mad of plastic. After the party, Omri played for some time with the Indian figure. After playing, Omri kept the Indian figure in the cupboard. He then locked the cupboard and slept. The next morning, a loud noise was coming from the cupboard. When Omri heard the noise, he got up and went to see, from where the noise was coming. He came to know that the noise was coming from the cupboard. He opened the cupboard. He saw that the Indian plastic figure had become alive! There, in front of his eyes, stood a four-inch Indian figure.This 16-page richly illustrated book is a part of our Classic tales collection, which consists of stimulating and enthralling stories for children.