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Books with author M.M. Barbaso-Crall

  • Mesi

    Mary Monette Barbaso-Crall

    Il vostro bambino è a conoscenza quali sono i mesi in un anno e il numero di giorni di ciascun mese. Introduzione al vostro bambino circa i mesi gli darà la consapevolezza del concetto di tempo. La versione completa, ha illustrazione aggiuntive sulla rotazione della luna intorno alla Terra. Dispone di informazioni troppo quello che la gente fa di solito ogni mese. Avere insegnamento divertimento con i vostri bambini.Your toddler will be aware what are the months in a year and how many days in each month. Introducing to your toddler about the months will give him awareness about the concept of time. The complete set version, it has additional illustration about the moon rotating around the Earth. It has information too what people usually does in each month. Have fun teaching with your kids.
  • Giorno

    Mary Monette Barbaso-Crall

    In questo set completo, il vostro bambino può vedere i diversi giorni in una settimana e quali possibili attività che possono avere in quel giorno particolare. Analogamente, il concetto di calendario sarà introdotto e quali sono le parti del giorno. Un esempio di terra ruota intorno al sole spiegare cosa fa un giorno. Buon divertimento con i vostri bambini l'apprendimento.In this complete set, your child can see the different days in a week and what possible activities they can have on that particular day. Likewise, the concept of calendar will be introduced and what are the parts of the day. An illustration of earth rotating around the sun will explain what makes a day. Have fun with your children learning.
  • The Four Seasons FULL TEXT EDITION

    Mary Monette Barbaso-Crall

    language (, May 5, 2012)
    Another adorable story that will help your child see how much Mothers love her children. Likewise, they will learn a lot of basic conversational skills in the most polite manner. It explains also the four season and the different state of a water from liquid to solid. Coming Up is the illustrated version of this book.NOTE: Edited February 17, 2013
  • The Underwater World - FULLY ILLUSTRATED

    Mary Monette Barbaso-Crall

    language (, June 20, 2012)
    As Willy grows braver and wiser, he realizes that he is missing the most important part of his life. In this new adventure of water droplet, you will find out what Willy is looking for from the sewage system of the city to the four oceans of the Earth using the global conveyor belt.NOTE: This is fully illustrated with bright colors that makes it more entertaining to your beloved child.

    Mary Monette Barbaso-Crall

    language (, Sept. 23, 2012)
    Teaching your child about the rooms in the house is important. Your child will be aware of its name and functionality. Likewise, the concept of differences and its sense of boundaries will be open to his awareness. Have fun with your child teaching using this e-book.

    Mary Monette Barbaso-Crall

    Ihr Kind kann sich fragen, was ist der Name von einigen Festen, wenn es gefeiert wird. Sicherlich ist einer ihrer Lieblings-Weihnachten, wo sie viele Geschenke erhalten haben. Die meisten dieser Feiertage sind Feiern der christlichen oder Gläubigen Christi. Irgendwie gibt es einige von den Chinesen vor allem ihre Chinese New Year. Viel Spaß Lehren und Lernen!Your child may wonder what is the name of some celebrations, when it will celebrated. Surely, one of their favorite holidays is Christmas where they have received many presents. Most of these holidays are celebrations of Christian or believer of Christ. Somehow, there is some from the Chinese especially their Chinese New Year. Have fun teaching and learning!

    Mary Monette Barbaso-Crall

    Ihr Kind wird sich bewusst sein, was sind die Monate im Jahr und wie viele Tage in jedem Monat. Einführung zu Ihrem Kind über die Monate wird ihm das Bewusstsein über den Begriff der Zeit.Your toddler will be aware what are the months in a year and how many days in each month. Introducing to your toddler about the months will give him awareness about the concept of time.
  • Verbo

    Mary Monette Barbaso-Crall

    In this learning book for your dear Toddlers, they will learn what are action words or verb. You can show each of these words and let them try to do it or you can demonstrate by acting it. Have fun teaching your children.In questo libro di apprendimento per i più piccoli cari, essi impareranno quali sono le parole d'azione o verbi. È possibile visualizzare ciascuna di queste parole e far loro provare a farlo o si può dimostrare agendo essa. Divertitevi a insegnare ai vostri figli.
  • El Primer Libro del Bebé - Familiares y Amigos

    Mary Monette Barbaso-Crall

    language (, May 24, 2012)
    This is an Italian Version of the Baby's First Book - Family and Friends. It has English and Italian labels. Introduce to your beloved baby a colorful, baby-friendly, and fully illustrated book about family and friends.This series of Baby's First Book is designed to develop your baby's vocabulary and speech development. Take a preview and you will surely love it as well as your baby.

    Mary Monette Barbaso-Crall

    Ihr Kind kann angeborenen athletischen Neigung. Sie können versuchen, Koax diese potentielle Fähigkeit zunächst durch die Einführung Was sind die Sportveranstaltungen. Dadurch wird die Welt des Sports Ihres Kindes Geist zu öffnen und möglicherweise in einer bestimmten Sportveranstaltung zu verfolgen. Wer weiß, vielleicht Ihr Kind die nächste Tiger Wood sein. Viel Spaß beim Unterrichten Ihr Kind.Your child may have innate athletic inclination. You can try coax this potential ability initially by introducing what are the sport events. This will open the world of sport to your child's mind and possibly pursue into a particular sport event. Who knows, your child may be the next Tiger Wood. Have fun teaching your child.
  • El Primer Libro del Bebé - Ropa de Bebé para Cuatro Temporada

    Mary Monette Barbaso-Crall

    language (, May 24, 2012)
    This is an Spanish Version of the Baby's First Book - Baby Clothes for Four Season. It has English and Spanish labels. Introduce to your beloved baby a colorful, baby-friendly, and fully illustrated book about clothes and seasons. This series of Baby's First Book is designed to develop your baby's vocabulary and speech development. Give it a try and you will surely love it as well as your baby.
  • Baby's First Book - Shapes and Colors

    Mary Monette Barbaso-Crall

    language (, May 6, 2012)
    Introduce to your beloved baby a colorful, baby-friendly, and fully illustrated book about Shapes and Colors. This series of Baby's First Book is designed to develop your baby's vocabulary and speech development. Take a preview and you will surely love it as well as your baby.-------------------------------------------------------This book is revised from preview version to full version with complete details.