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Books with author M.M. Barbaso-Crall

  • Praposition - GRUND SET - GERMAN VERSION

    Mary Monette Barbaso-Crall

    In diesem E-Book wird Ihr Kind lernen, wie man die Positionen eines Objekts zu artikulieren - das ist Präpositionen. Mit einem Ball und einer Box mit Schatten und natürlich ein Pfeil oder Pfeile, können Sie zeigen Ihrem Kind die Positionen der Ball aus dem anderen Objekt - die Box. Sie können, indem Sie sich selbst oder indem ein tatsächliches Objekt zu demonstrieren. Viel Spaß beim Unterrichten Ihr Kind.In this e-book, your toddler will learn how to articulate the positions of an object - that is prepositions. Using a ball and a box with shadows and of course an arrow or arrows, you can show your toddler the positions of the ball from the other object - the box. You can demonstrate by moving yourself or placing an actual object. Have fun teaching your child.
  • Stagioni e Meteo

    Mary Monette Barbaso-Crall

    I vostri bambini potrebbe chiedere perché il cambio di stagione. In questo e-book, il vostro bambino conoscere la stagione e il tempo. Questa versione completa, racconta quali sono i mesi all'interno di una stagione particolare, quali sono i vestiti che un bambino deve indossare, perché ci sono quattro stagioni in un anno, cosa ci si può aspettare in ogni stagione e quali sono i tipi di tempo .Your children might be wondering why the season change. In this e-book, your child will learn about the season and weather. This complete set version, it tells about what are the months within a particular season, what are the clothes that a child must wear, why there are four seasons in a year, what can you expect in each season and what are the types of weather.
  • Frutta

    Mary Monette Barbaso-Crall

    Frutta introdurrĂ  ai tuoi figli familiari e non familiari di frutta in tutto il mondo. Esso comprende frutta tropicale e frutti provenienti da paesi freddi. A parte l'aumento vocabolario dei vostri figli, darĂ  la consapevolezza dei frutti che possono mangiare per avere un'alimentazione sana. Divertitevi a insegnare ai vostri figli.Fruits will introduce to your children familiar and non-familiar fruits all over the world. It includes tropical fruits and fruits from cold countries. Aside from increasing your children's vocabulary, it will give awareness about the fruits that they can eat for having healthy diet. Have fun teaching your children.
  • Verdure

    Mary Monette Barbaso-Crall

    (First Edition, Dec. 2, 2012)
    Introduzione ai tipi diversi di verdure figlio sarà sicuramente dare loro la consapevolezza circa le loro scelte di cibo e, allo stesso tempo, aumentare il loro vocabolario alimentare. Come si introdurrà ogni verdura, è possibile incorporare quali sono i nutrienti che possono derivare dal mangiarlo. Buon divertimento insegnare il vostro bambino.Introducing your child different types of vegetables will surely give them awareness about their choices of food and at the same time, increase their food vocabulary. As you will introduce each vegetable, you can incorporate what are the nutrients they can derive from eating it. Have fun teaching your child.
  • El Primer Libro del BebĂ© - Familiares y Amigos

    Mary Monette Barbaso-Crall

    language (, June 4, 2012)
    This is a FREE VERSION of Baby's First Book - Family and Friends (SPANISH VERSION). Please do not buy. Get it during Promo period.
  • Premier Livre de BĂ©bĂ© - Les ActivitĂ©s Quotidiennes

    Mary Monette Barbaso-Crall

    language (, May 29, 2012)
    This is an French Version of the Baby's First Book - Daily Activities. It has English and French labels. Introduce to your beloved baby a colorful, baby-friendly, and fully illustrated book about Daily Activities. This series of Baby's First Book is designed to develop your baby's vocabulary and speech development. Give it a try and you will surely love it as well as your baby.
  • My Struggle to Achieve Balance - FULLY ILLUSTRATED

    Mary Monette Barbaso-Crall

    language (, Sept. 1, 2012)
    Baby wants to tell you a StoryEspecially his Unspoken WordsWhen babies learn how to walk or even to stand,did you ever wonder how did they able to do it?What could they possibly think at that moment?Please read this lovely story about a baby who tried his best to achieve his first balance.

    Mary Monette Barbaso-Crall

    Toddler's Vocabulary Booster aims to aid your child's speech and language development. In this set of visual aids, you can show to your child about different fruits both tropical and cold countries fruits.
  • Gift of Gratefulness - FULL TEXT EDITION

    Mary Monette Barbaso-Crall

    Oftentimes, we receive so many blessings but yet we forget how to be thankful. Christmas is not about receiving gifts but to be thankful for the greatest gift we have received - Baby Jesus. Please read on how these wonderful kids learn and earn the gift of gratefulness.
  • The Journey Inside a Tree - FULL TEXT EDITION

    Mary Monette Barbaso-Crall

    eBook (, May 15, 2012)
    This is a story about the adventure of a water droplet named Willy. As he journey inside the tree, he has learnt the parts of a tree and how it works too. At the same time, he has learnt to give himself to fulfill some important mission. Please read the full story and surely your will enjoy this book.NOTE: Edited February 17, 2013
  • The Journey Inside a Tree - FULLY ILLUSTRATED

    Mary Monette Barbaso-Crall

    language (, June 13, 2012)
    This is a story about the adventure of a water droplet named Willy. As he journey inside the tree, he has learnt the parts of a tree and how it works too. At the same time, he has learnt to give himself to fulfill some important mission. Please read the full story and surely your will enjoy this book.
  • Musikinstrument - GRUND SET - GERMAN VERSION

    Mary Monette Barbaso-Crall

    It is good to introduce to your child the world of music and one way to do this is to teach them what are the different musical instruments. You can imitate the sounds of each musical instrument and act how it will be played. Have fun teaching your child.