The Adventures of Lok'Toria: The Pet Finds a Boy
M. L. Cook
(, Aug. 5, 2019)
Prince William’s every waking moment is consumed with thoughts of his princess. So, he sneaks out of the castle and journeys to Orc territory to see her. He is followed by his pet, a pet that has taken the form of his faithful dog. Danger lurks in the shadows, and only this pet can guard against the evil that is determined to destroy the one who has been prophesied.Princess Lok’Toria is blissfully unaware of the danger faced by her beloved. She is trying to live life as a normal teenaged girl. An evil magic is creeping onto their lands, and attempting to interfere with her visions. The journey takes new turns as she begins to learn the importance of who she is and the effect she will have on not only the Orcs, but the world as a whole.