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Books with author M. A. Bennett

  • Godliness: The H Bond Theory

    M Bennett

    Paperback (Outskirts Press, Dec. 13, 2016)
    This is the first book to argue for the study of classical divinity in biological terms. Introducing the H bond theory, this book will make you wonder whether cancer may be a condition of hydrogen bond deficiency, how intracellular communication might be affected not only by environmental radiation but also by subatomic radiation, and when the promising experimental results of so-called alternative medicine will be factored into our national health insurance models. Using grade school science, the H bond theory produces logical arguments for policy reform that are compatible with every religion on the planet. This book will make you believe in love.
  • The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland: A Brilliant Adaption of a Classical Tale

    Mike Bennett

    language (, Feb. 26, 2018)
    This is a story about a girl called Alice, who after falling through a rabbit hole, found herself in a world like no other...Enjoy this fantastic adaption of a classic tale, by the renowned producer Mike Bennett.
  • Chasing the Moon

    S.A. Bennett

    language (S.A. Mahony, March 5, 2012)
    Peter Wilson is nobody’s definition of a Hero. He has an imaginary friend called Gensing. He likes to sit on the beach at night reciting poetry and he’d rather read about fighting than engage in it.While his twin sister Josalynde is outgoing, athletic and although she goes through best friends almost as quickly as she goes through boyfriends, she’d at least have a chance of slaying a dragon, while Peter – well, he’d likely just sing about it.And how unfair is it that while Peter is being seduced by sirens, Josalynde is being pursued by their Grandmother, who since she’s been turned into a vampire, has never felt so good. Surely Josalynde has no choice but to stake her? Isn’t that what anyone would do in her situation? But as Josalynde discovers, there are many ways of being heroic and conquering someone doesn’t necessarily mean destroying them. .
  • The Uncommon Reader

    Alan Bennett

    Audio CD (BBC Books, )
  • Blood Wolf

    S. M. Bennett

    language (, May 27, 2018)
    Elsa is finally free of the Darkzone and its cruel inhabitants. Alone on the surface, she is determined to begin a new life where fear does not control her every move. Only one obstacle stands in her way: Elsa's uncle is missing and the key to his whereabouts lies with the mysterious group of valley dwellers known as the Blood Wolves.Elsa sets out across the brittle, baked landscape to find their lair and save the man who has raised, loved and protected her. During this quest, she reunites with her childhood friend, Noak, and is thrown into the ruthless and dangerous life he leads on the surface. Taken to the Blood Wolves' camp as a prisoner, Elsa becomes a pawn in an unspoken war between Noak and his master, Cohen, and in her fight to keep the people she loves safe, old fears resurface to send her down a dark path of her own making.Elsa will need all her courage and resolve to survive. Because, while she may have left the underground behind, its darkness tainted the Valley long before she arrived.
  • Catherine the Deceiver

    S.A. Bennett

    language (S.A. Mahony, Sept. 10, 2012)
    “Once upon a time, a prince of the Underwater kingdoms fell in love with a fair maiden who went by the name of Roxie, Roxanne the Restless to her bibliographers. From an early age she frolicked with a princess of the Aboveground kingdoms in a world identical to ours only much older, or younger depending upon your state of mind. After a couple of heavy nights in the Underground kingdoms, everything gets pretty out of whack, if you know what I mean.Anyway, Princess Angel’s sexual barracuda of an evil mother planned to marry her off to a bro guaranteed to spurt out defective offspring. So along comes Jarvis the Stud – I kid you not – to save the day by dooming the world.Protection. Protection. Protection. It’s all about DNA. You know?Sacrificing life as she knew it, Roxie saved the world and got the prince. Well, at least until she was kidnapped by mermaids desperate to procreate and torn asunder by crocodiles. See these boots? They’re the real deal. My Madison has the matching handbag. I had a wallet too, but left it somewhere. Be careless with your possessions and you’ll never want.I’m guessing Roxie or Darius managed to pass you sideways through time, bro because here you are and there you were eight years ago, stumbling along that very beach. Lucky for you, Neptune owes me big time. You know? And now you owe me.”When Grayson broke into her hotel verhenda, his words slurred and eyes bloodshot, Daria thought he was insane. But when she was pulled sideways through time by a prince called Darius who could have passed for her twin brother, her grip on reality began to slip.It slipped further when she met her mother’s sister, Marcy for the first time. Further still when she spoke to Morgan, who tried to convince her she was the only one who could lead the children of the Underground kingdoms to safety.Should she trust him?Her mother’s cousin Catherine didn’t. Cat was her age but from a different time. Cat was courageous. Independent. Outspoken. Everything Daria wished she could be.But Daria couldn’t be anyone until she’d unravelled the mystery of her first seven years, though even remembering her childhood didn’t prevent her from making the second biggest mistake of her life.And if she could find a way to forgive herself for destroying her world, would she ever be able to believe in a happy ever after for herself and Oliver? For Cat and Darius?Was there any such thing as a happy every after?
  • Hunter the Incomparable

    S.A. Bennett

    language (S.A. Mahony, Sept. 10, 2012)
    If you were a sixteen year old out-of-timer with the ability to travel sideways through time would you stay with your family in the remnants of a world that had been ravished by disease, then fire?Would it make your choice any easier if the only guy anywhere near your age had an ego so big it blotted out the sun? A guy who thinks he’s in love with your Aunt, but is only capable of loving himself? A guy who persists in attempting to rescue you when you so totally and absolutely do not want to be rescued?Not if you were Amelia Rolleston. All her life she’s dreamed of falling in love with her Darius – only she’s not about to let him slip through her fingers. She’ll be like her heroine, her cousin Catherine and spend her life in an underwater Palace savouring fish eggs.And if that doesn’t work out, well there are always the Aboveground kingdoms, the Underground kingdoms and who knows what’s been going on in the Ocean kingdoms. Her parents have already lost two daughters to the other world, but surely eventually they’ll forgive her. After all, they weren’t always old and stuffy. Once upon a time her mother was known as Eleanor the faithless and her father, Jarvis the Stud. Only problem is, Amelia is an out-of-timer, not a time-shifter and there’s no way through to that other world without one. At least not until King Darius decides it’s time to bring his son home.Amelia finds her Darius is not quite as she’d dreamed. Nor is Catherine the Deceiver. So much for happy ever afters. But Prince Errol is hot, as is Prince Wolfgang. The world is big, Amelia’s heart is wide and hey, who says a girl can’t get what she wants if she tries hard enough.
  • Children of the Temple

    S.A. Bennett

    language (S.A. Mahony, March 19, 2012)
    The children of the Temple are cloned, not born. Lifetime after lifetime they’re drawn through the astral towards a single drop of their own blood. Within the sanctuary of the Temple, guided by their brothers and sisters, every lifetime they remember who they are.Every lifetime, they serve the Juhadists, teaching them by their actions how to connect with their inner selves, how to deny the temptations offered by the gods and demons that surround them.The children of the Temple have always numbered fourteen. Then Aisha abandons the Temple for the luxuries of the Palace. But she is still Temple, isn’t she? Surely the middle-aged Juhadist who claims she’s the real Aisha must be lying.But what if she isn’t? At sixteen, neither Rhea nor Lysander have begun to remember. What if someone is trying to steal their bodies? Someone who trades with the demons to travel through the astral. Someone who wants to live in the same body forever.The children of the Temple no longer number fourteen.Now the fun begins.
  • Eleanor the Faithless

    S.A. Bennett

    language (S.A. Mahony, Sept. 10, 2012)
    Eleanor always dreamed of meeting a magical creature – she just never imagined it would happen when she was sweating her way up Castle Hill with her parents and her brother.When he asked her to step through time with him she didn’t hesitate. Everyone knew when you stepped through time with a magical creature – even one called Ralph – you’d save the world, win the heart of at least one handsome prince, then ride off into the sunset on a white horse.She wasn’t counting on the first eligible prince she met pulling her into his Underwater kingdom, enraged because she’d dared to drink some of his precious water without asking. She wasn’t prepared for him to steal her first kiss either. Of course he denied kissing her, said he was just taking her breath away so she could breathe in his world, but she wasn’t about to believe anything he said. Although Darius was undeniably the most beautiful man she’d ever seen, she’d never met anyone more despicable.Unlike Prince Nicholas, who she decided within moments might be the one. She even liked him more than Jarvis Rolleston, the boy from her own time who’d been pulled into the Desert kingdoms by desperate men and women who needed the DNA of strangers to allow them to access the other kingdoms.She hadn’t expected Ralph and Nicholas’ father, King Bruce to be the reason she was there either. How did you save someone from dementia? In fact, nothing in that world or her own was turning out as it should.Concerned about her absences her parents had grounded her, and her best friend was so jealous of Jarvis she’d stopped being friendly. Life at home seemed unbearable, yet every time she stepped through time she was risking her future.Not even Prince Ralph knew the when, where or why of it, but most out-of-timers found themselves unable to cross sideways through time somewhere in their late teens, early twenties. Eleanor was only sixteen.Too young to get married – though the only reason she’d agreed to marry Darius was because he’d plied her with spiced fish eggs that were so inebriating they made her feel sounds.Too young to give up everything for love.Even a Darius should realise that every girl deserves to make her own choices. But how much choice does a girl have, and if she makes the wrong one will she regret it for the rest of her life?
  • Madison the Incomplete

    S.A. Bennett

    language (S.A. Mahony, Sept. 10, 2012)
    Marcella Rolleston didn’t realise she had an older sister until the night she met her cousin. According to Madison, Roxie walked up the hill behind their house one day and never returned. The house belonged to Marcy’s brother, Ashleigh now. Marcy had spent her life travelling the world with her father. She’d thought she was travel fatigued until she stepped sideways through time, to a world where Roxanne the Restless was legendary. A world where her mother was known as Eleanor the faithless, her father Jarvis the stud. A world where they still sang her Uncle Milo’s songs.The songs didn’t impress Madison. Although she was the illegitimate daughter of Miles Dorchester she’d never met him. She never wanted to either. But she was glad she’d met Marcy. Well at least until Marcy took to wearing those too-short shorts. No wonder Jack couldn’t keep his eyes off her legs. Darius too, truth be told. Not that she had anything to worry about. Marcy wasn’t that kind of girl.Things were sweet until Darius left Madison with her half-sister, Dahlia. Dahlia and her brothers were the only surviving descendants of the Ocean kingdoms. They had tails - fluorescent tails - and were pathologically obsessed with creating more of themselves. This all seemed kind of cool, until Madison discovered they could only reproduce with another of Harrison’s descendants.There was nothing sweet about being hauled through the ocean by your hair. Fortunately unlike Jack or Darius, the mermen preferred Marcy, something Marcy lost quite a bit of sleep over. What was wrong with her? Why did Jack take ten minutes to give Madison’s breath back yet had barely ten seconds to spare on her? Was she only attractive to freaks?And why couldn’t she fall in love with Grayson? He was the coolest guy she’d ever met. Sure, he talked way too much and his shirts could use a good clean, but she’d never met anyone she’d felt so comfortable with.Then Marcy found out what had happened to Roxie and falling in love no longer seemed quite so important. Harrison’s DNA had the power to create Gods or Monsters. Harrison’s DNA was growing within Dahlia’s womb, Jack’s wife Angelica’s too.Were they the reason the birds had all died? Were they the reason the flying lizards had returned? Or was it something else. Something to do with Illyissia pronouncing Marcy to be the harbinger of change.Besides Marcy wasn’t that kind of girl, was she?
  • Roxanne the Restless

    S.A. Bennett

    language (S.A. Mahony, Sept. 10, 2012)
    From the moment Roxie had been old enough to step sideways through time she’d been best friends with Angel, Dominic and Darius.Even though they aged two years to her one, and Angel and Dominic’s parents were undiagnosed psychopaths – who but a psychopath would force their people to chant to serve is to obey, to obey is to serve – her friends had always seemed more stable than her family.Her mother, the infamous Eleanor the faithless, had already loved and fought her way through three marriages and countless failed relationships. Roxie and her three brothers never knew if they’d have something other than pizza for dinner each night, let alone who their mother would end up with next. The most stable man in all their lives being the also infamous, Jarvis the stud, the one man her mother refused a serious relationship with.It wasn’t until the year Angel became engaged that Roxie found out why. Neither her mother nor Jarvis had ever told her they’d travelled to the future – her future – when they were sixteen. That Jarvis was the father of Angel’s unborn child. That her mother had made out with Roxie’s boyfriend, Milo. That her mother had bewitched Darius, changing him forever from friend to something quite different.They didn’t tell her Angel would instigate an uprising either, or that the birth of the child she’d conceived with Jarvis would destroy the world – something Darius and his mother, Queen Daria were determined to do anything they could to prevent.Nope, when Roxie’s world began to cave in, Eleanor the faithless and Jarvis the stud headed North to lie in the sun and frolic on the beach leaving Roxie to make the biggest decision of her life.Should she sacrifice everything for love as the crushed gemstones she’d smoked in the Underground kingdoms had advised? Could you love someone who’d betrayed you? And if she gave up her family, her dreams of the future – would it be enough to save her friend? Or would she be doomed right alongside them.
  • Spinderlocke

    A.A. Bennett

    (Independently published, May 3, 2019)
    My name is Jack Wilde and up until recently, I had the perfect life. This all came crashing down around me in epic proportions when I discovered an antique compass. It turns out, the compass has a mind of its own and decided that moment was a good time to return home, taking me along with it. Now I am in an insane new world called Feira, where magic and monsters are very real. I shouldn’t have been able to get here in the first place and my only hope of getting home is to find the most powerful artifact in this world, the Sana Artifact. The only clue is the riddle written on the back of the dumb compass that brought me here. To make matters worse, the ruler of northern Feria, King Sephtis, has discovered the compasses existence and dispatched his bloody left hand, Lord Wrath, to acquire it by any means necessary. At least I have a few new friends to help keep me out of trouble.Dove is a mysterious Healer, with the ability to heal any ailment or injury. Her vast knowledge of spell work and the Old Language is worth her weight in gold, but I can’t shake the feeling she is hiding something is. Then there is Soren, a vengeful sailor with a magical ship and crew. He is an Omni, a class of magic specializing crafting objects imbued with magical abilities. Soren is searching for something and there is no limit to how far he will go.This is the ultimate treasure hunt and we each have our own need for the Sana Artifact, but one thing is for certain. . . I will do whatever it takes to get home. I just hope to remain the same person in the process.