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Books with author M Black


    M Black

    language (, March 1, 2017)
    Quarterfinalist at the LA Screenplay Awards and script is being finalized to be shown to directors and producers. Read an award winning Reader's Favorite original YA along the lines of iRobot meets Body Snatchers. Fans of Phillip Dick, Isaac Asimov, Margaret Atwood, Suzanne Collins and Veronica Roth will enjoy her stories.ENTER A WORLD WHERE THE LINE BETWEEN ROBOT AND MAN IS BLURRED.YA Cyberpunk Dystopia and a part of M.Black's Enter Tomorrow brand. Set in the robot cyberpunk year 2055 in British Columbia, Canada, where humans are part robotic and robots are becoming more humanlike, the line dividing the two is becoming less clear. When the nation is controlled by a popular online program, those that deviate risk their lives. But that never stopped Fione. Filled with haunting questions of consciousness and artificial intelligence, identity and self-awareness, politics and love, life and death, the reader will be engaged in an entertaining story filled with futuristic technology. This robot cyberpunk will appeal to fans of Divergent, Configured, Freelancer, iRobot, The Glitch, Blade Runner, artificial intelligence, robotics, and futuristic technology will enjoy this story about two young, but strong female heroines who must save the fragile system crumbling around them. "ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS I'VE READ IN A WHILE. AS AN AVID ISAAC ASIMOV READER I WOULD PUT EXOTIQA RIGHT IN WITH HIM, WITH A LITTLE MORE ACTION" -Avid Isaac Asimov Reader "SIMILAR THEMES TO ISAAC ASIMOV'S WORK, BUT MORE GENTLE AND HAS MORE ACTION." -Amazon Reviewer."VERY WELL WRITTEN! SO HARD TO PUT DOWN!" -Amazon Reviewer "WOW, WOW, WOW! NOTHING SHORT OF GREAT!" -Amazon Reviewer "THE STORY HAS SEVERAL DIFFERENT LAYERS GOING ON AND I ENJOY THAT LEVEL OF COMPLEXITY. THIS AUTHOR HAS DONE A WONDERFUL JOB OF OVERLAYING HER WORLD ONTO OURS. I WILL BE READING A LOT MORE OF THIS AUTHOR’S WORK." -Amazon Reviewer "ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOUR BOOKS!" -Amazon Reviewer"IF ANYONE KNOWS ME OR FOLLOWS MY REVIEWS THEN YOU KNOW THAT I LOVE A GOOD DYSTOPIAN OR SCIENCE FICTION NOVEL. SO WHEN I KEPT HEARING ABOUT EXOTIQA, I JUST HAD TO READ IT. AND BOY, AM I EVER GLAD I DID!" -Amazon ReviewerEXOTIQA - Book 1THIRTY - Book 2 SPHERE - Book 3 ...Elon Musk announced the NUERAL LACE, a real life interface for the brain, designed by Telsa and SpaceX. My book was written in 2015, released in 2017. My interface is the SLAB. EXOTIQA is the program downloaded into the SLAB. Real life and my fiction are eerily similar! REVIEWS:"The difference of narration between the eyes of a human and that of a robot is really fun. It is distinct and well thought out, of how each being would feel and see things." -Francine"The book explores a new avenue in robotics with emotional attachments starting to develop between robots and even between humans and bots. On their quest to prevent the destruction of the world as we know it, our heros set off on a journey to ImaTech to destroy Exotiqa, meeting up with some interesting characters and becoming involved in a lot of action including an exciting car chase worthy of any Speilberg movie. In fact. I thoroughly enjoyed the book despite it being designed to appeal to a young adult audience, but then I am big kid at heart. In my opinion this is a great read for anyone of any age. A warining shot across the bows of AI advocates. Marvelous!" -KenI read the entire exotica series! It was awesome. Looking for the next series that you wrote, Quantum State. You are one of the few female writers of science fiction that really gets it ... I am more into the science fiction from a woman's POV because it differs from what men think. You have different point of view. You solve problems differently and think of interactions with people differently. That is what makes the whole orbit. That is why I like your writing so much! -Mike Brown

    M. Black

    language (, June 7, 2017)
    The award winning series, becoming a Reader's Favorite is NOW A SCRIPT FOR MOTION PICTURES. Fans of Phillip Dick, Issac Asimov, Margaret Atwood, Suzanne Collins and Veronica Roth will enjoy her stories.Tossed into prison for stealing bread, Jin is now the property of King Borran. Experimented on for animal cell grafting, Jin is thrown into the Amazon jungle to be hunted. A perfect training for Borran's soldiers to fight the uprising Graphs. After meeting a fellow hunted, Adan, the two embark on a journey of survival. But Jin holds a secret that Borran will kill for and will never let her go free. In this 3 book series of Animal Graph we explore the Amazon, Savannah, Orinoco River, Highlands, Plateaus. All the beauty of the Amazon forests, as well as some of its splendid flora and wildlife like Toucans, Howler Monkeys and Caiman. We also meet radiated creatures poisoned by the nuclear wars. If you enjoy stories like Dr. Moreau or Hunger Games, or even stories of survival with twists you don't see coming...this is for you! Immerse yourself in the gorgeous and dangerous Amazon, find new creatures, learn about new exotic countries, travel the highlands, savannas, and plateaus in this breath-taking, page-turning book, ANIMAL GRAPH."AN ACTIVE AND EXCITING STORY THAT WOULD BE ENJOYED BY YOUNG ADULTS AND MATURE READERS. M. BLACK PACKS IN A LOT OF INTERESTING CONCEPTS. FANS OF DYSTOPIAN FICTION LIKE THE HUNGER GAMES WILL ENJOY THIS VERY CREATIVE STORY." -Netgalley "WOW! WHAT A CONCEPT! I CAN SAY THAT THIS IS THE FIRST BOOK OF THIS KIND THAT I HAVE READ." -Amazon Reader "THIS WAS AN AWESOME STORY. IN THE APOCALYPTIC FUTURE THEY ARE EXPERIMENTING ON PRISONERS." -Amazon Reader "M.BLACK’S ANIMAL GRAPH IS MORE THAN A DYSTOPIAN TALE FROM THE CREATIVE GENIUS OF THIS AUTHOR’S MIND. IT RAISES THE QUESTION OF SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST, OF LIVING IN HARMONY AND QUESTIONING WHAT IF THE ODDS ARE ARTIFICIALLY STACKED AGAINST THESE NEW CREATIONS." -Netgalley"ANIMAL GRAPH TAKES A FRESH AND INTRIGUING LOOK AT ANIMAL-HUMAN PAIRINGS" -Avid Amazon Reader "THE CHARACTERS HAVE EXTRAORDINARY ABILITIES FROM THEIR ANIMAL GRAPHS, BUT THESE ALSO COME WITH WEAKNESSES. IT'S A REALLY GOOD BALANCE." -Netgalley"IT IS GOOD, VERY STRANGE ON ONE HAND YET THRILLING AND EDGE OF YOUR SEAT! I LOVE THE BEGINNING WHERE THE READER IS IN THE ACTION FROM THE START! I ALSO LOVE THE WHOLE IDEA OF THE GRAPHS." -Reader Review"THIS BOOK HAD ME HOOKED FROM THE BEGINNING." Netgalley"YOU ARE ONE OF THE FEW AUTHORS WHOSE BOOKS LEAVE ME WANTING TO READ MORE OF YOUR BOOKS." -Amazon Reader"GOOD STORY! I DIDN'T WANT IT TO END!" Amazon Reader "I HAD ANXIETY ATTACKS WITH JIN. IT REALLY BOTHERED ME THAT I HAD TO PUT THE BOOK DOWN TO DO NORMAL THINGS LIKE EAT. LOL." -Amazon ReaderThere are 3 books to the series:Animal GraphGraph WarsGraph QueenBox set includes all 3
  • EXOTIQA Box Set

    M. Black

    Fans of Phillip Dick, Issac Asimov, Margaret Atwood, Suzanne Collins and Veronica Roth will enjoy her storiesENTER A WORLD WHERE THE LINE BETWEEN ROBOT AND MAN IS BLURRED.YA ROBOT CYBERPUNK DYSTOPIAEnjoy the 3 book series that fans are raving about EXOTIQA, THIRTY, SPHERE"VERY WELL WRITTEN! SO HARD TO PUT DOWN!" -Amazon Reviewer"WOW, WOW, WOW! NOTHING SHORT OF GREAT!" -Amazon Reviewer "ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOUR BOOKS!" -Amazon ReviewerEXOTIQASet in the cyberpunk year 2055 in British Columbia, Canada, where humans are part robotic and robots are becoming more humanlike, the line dividing the two is becoming less clear. When sixteen-year-old Fione meets Maci, a twenty-one-year-old Flexbot who escapes from ImaTech located along the crust of the Coast Mountains, Fione’s life is taken on a roller-coaster ride of events that begins with trying to save Maci from ImaTech Corporation and ends with trying to save the country.THIRTY:This is 1.5 in the Exotiqa World, prequel to the first release.Following the actions of Thirty—the love interest of Maci from Exotiqa—the reader will catch a glimpse of what life was like inside of ImaTech for Flexbots and how he fell in love with Maci."THIS BOOK WAS JUST AS GOOD IF NOT BETTER THAN THE FIRST!!!" -Amazon ReaderSPHERE:With machine advancements embedded within human bodies, the questions of social inequality and prejudice come to light...A year after the events of Exotiqa, Fione and Maci, are now facing ImaTech’s latest threat, the Humanbot program. Under the careful eye of Russell Wagner, this won't be easy. With Sector Spheres keeping watch on Fione and her best friend Spear joining the rebellious Vigilante group, Fione has to trust Pix more than ever. But is his allegiance to the human race the same as hers?"LIKE EXOTIQA THERE IS A MIXTURE OF EMOTIONS THAT GO THROUGHOUT THIS WHOLE STORY AND GETS YOU THINKING THAT QUITE POSSIBLY IT MAY ACTUALLY HAPPEN IN THE REAL WORLD" -AMAZON REVIEWER"THESE BOOKS ARE GREAT. AS WITH THE OTHERS, I COULDN'T PUT THIS DOWN. NEW FAVE AUTHOR" -AMAZON REVIEWER"ANOTHER GREAT READ!" -AMAZON REVIEWER

    M Black

    language (M. Black, Jan. 1, 2017)
    ENTER A WORLD OF Simulations where illusions are a part of life; this book is part of M.Black's Enter Tomorrow brand. "We thought the writing (of Simulation) was excellent." -Mari Kesselring of FLUX Publishing Fans of Logan's Run will enjoy this story where people are kept hidden away in a paradise from the rest of the world. Fans of The Giver will enjoy the aspect of the outsiders giving to the main character new experiences and feelings and of learning the truth about her world. Set in a post-apocalyptic world, this perfect dystopia called Iliad is enjoyed by citizens living on the inside. Join Ilia and Jez in a world simulations, class divisions, tribal people, warfare, and an evil ruler. Along the lines of City of Ember meets CW’s The 100, this story will capture your heart and still won’t let go...even at the end. This story contrasts technology to nature, rich to poor, privilege to hardship, lies to truth, and illusion to reality. Set in 2175 in Colorado, USA, where Citigogs are the new form of cities and citizens are kept under a careful population control, we meet Ilia the Princess of our main Citigog named Iliad, and Jez a Giver. As Ilia spends more time with Jez, she finds herself drawn to the Outside and ventures out of her Citigog only to learn that everything is not what it seems. She grows from a protected, naive girl into a kick-ass warrior. Fans of CW's The 100, City of Ember, Breathe, The Water Knife, Oryx and Crake, and the Windup Girl will revel in this YA SIM Cli-fic Dystopian story about a strong, but disillusioned heroine who must become brave as she uncovers the truth about her world. "THIS BOOK HAS AN AMAZING STORY LINE, AND THE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT WAS TO DIE FOR. IT TOOK ME A COUPLE OF CHAPTERS TO REALLY GET INTO IT, BUT MAN ONCE I DID I COULD NOT PUT IT DOWN." -Avid Reader" I LOVED THE CHARACTERS, WHO WERE EASY TO LIKE OR HATE, WHICHEVER THE CASE MAY BE." -Amazon Reader"THE WRITING WAS REALLY GOOD AND THERE WERE A LOT OF TWISTS TO THE STORY THAT I REALLY WASN’T EXPECTING, THE BIG ONE BEING THE SIMULATION ITSELF." -Amazon Reader "WHAT AN AMAZING ACTION PACKED THRILLER OF A BOOK SET IN A WORLD THAT YOU CAN EASILY IMAGINE AS OUR FUTURE." -Amazon Reader
  • Animal Graph

    M. Black

    (Independently published, Dec. 12, 2018)
    Thrown into prisoner for stealing bread, Jin is now the property of King Borran. The animal cells grafted into her own are experimental and she will be huntedby soldiers to train Borran's men. But she will run for freedom. Run for her family. Run for humanity.

    M. Black

    language (Eloquent Enraptures Publishing, July 13, 2017)
    BOOK TWO of Animal Graph ENTER A WORLD OF ANIMAL GRAPHS in this SciFi FANTASY Post-Apocalyptic Never-Before-Seen-Concept. Hunger Games meets Dr. Moreau. This is book 2 in the GRAPH WORLD series and is part of M. Black's ENTER TOMORROW brand. When prisoners are experimented on by the ruler of the Americas, after a nuclear war, their cells are grafted with cells and neural tissue from animals of the Amazon. Immerse yourself in the gorgeous and dangerous Amazon, find new creatures, learn about new exotic countries, travel the highlands, savannas, and plateaus in this breath-taking, page-turning sequel to Animal Graph. In Graph Secrets, Jin finds out her Madre, Marina, is kidnapped by King Borran Khan and she learns the truth about her origins, and she is propelled back into the Amazon...this time to hunt Borran down."I READ IT IN A FEW HOURS!" -Von"ALL FIVE STARS, NO SURPRISE THERE. IT IS A GREAT STORY." -Marina"I HAVE NEVER READ THIS CONCEPT BEFORE!" -Amazon Reader

    M. Black

    language (, June 24, 2019)
    Miss stories from the 80's? Enjoy this nostalgic tale with a futuristic setting. Fans of Stranger Things and Ready Player One, Goonies, Stand By Me, will enjoy this! Enjoy the cast of Fred O’ Sullivan, Sherry Slater, Chuck Miller and Ted Oloo as they solve the mysterious death of Mr. Moretti which leads our heroes to the consequential DRONE GMES. Set in a future setting of Manhattan, New York, four good friends graduating middle school, have fun on scavenger hunts collecting 80’s paraphernalia, but when they discover one of the items—a Pac-Man game—is more than they bargained for, they’ll have the Italian mob and Russian FSB on their tails as they ride bikes through the city in search of a way out of the mess."ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT!" -Amazon Reader "FRED IS A DELIGHT!" -Amazon Reader "THIS WAS REFRESHING!" -Amazon Reader Filled with laughs, adventure, mystery, and even a touch of romance, if you love a good coming of age caper, this novel is for you! FANS OF THIS AUTHOR MAY ALSO ENJOY HER OTHER WORK: Electric Gardens, Quantum State, Exotiqa, Animal Graph and Simulation. A clean fun read appropriate for adults and tweens alike.Fans of STAND BY ME, GOONIES, ET, STRANGER THINGS will enjoy this blast from the 80’s past coming of age adventure with a science fiction twist. With video games, scavenger hunts, 80’s paraphernalia and a fun caper to solve, DRONE GAMES reminds us all of how fun it is to be a kid.

    M. Black

    language (, Aug. 15, 2017)
    Book 3 of Animal Graph ENTER A WORLD OF ANIMAL GRAPHS in this SciFi Fantasy post-apocalyptic with Never-Before-Seen-Concept. Hunger Games meets Dr. Moreau. Book 3 in the Graph World series, part of M.Black's ENTER TOMORROW brand. When prisoners are experimented on by the ruler of the Americas, after a nuclear war, their human cells are grafted with cells and neural tissue from animals of the Amazon. Immerse yourself in the gorgeous and dangerous Amazon, find new creatures, learn about new exotic countries, travel the highlands, savannas, and plateaus in this breath-taking, page-turning sequel to Graph Secrets. Safe in San Felipe, the team will have to scrounge for food to survive which leads them to the lost girl who draws them into Guambi mountains with the Prestige. After Jin, Adan, and the misfit band of Graphs head to the Experiment Facility in the jungles on the Amazon to rescue friends, they'll have to face Borran head-on and their greatest nemesis, spider.An action-packed series that leaves readers guessing. "Unputdownable!" "This Series Rocks!" and "I can't wait for the next book!" are just some of what reviewers are saying!"WOW, WHAT A SERIES! I HAVE TO ADMIT WHEN I FIRST STARTED READING I WASN'T SURE WHAT TO THINK, BUT SWIFTLY BECAME HOOKED INTO THE CHARACTERS LIVES AND THEIR AMAZING JOURNEY!" -Amazon Reader "JIN AND ADAN TAKE THE FIGHT TO THE NEXT LEVEL AND START FIGHTING NOT ONLY FOR THEIR FAMILY AND FRIENDS, BUT AGAINST THE SYSTEM." -Amazon Reviewer "THIS IS ANOTHER GREAT INSTALLMENT. WELL WRITTEN, CAPTIVATING AND EVEN MORE SUSPENSEFUL. THE AUTHOR CLEARLY KNOWS WHAT TO WRITE AND HOW TO WRITE IT." -Amazon Reviewer.
  • Exotiqa

    M Black

    (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, July 30, 2015)
    The second YA SyFy dystopian thriller released by debut author M. Black, this Divergent meets iRobot will appeal to a vast array of audiences. Filled with haunting questions of life and death, consciousness and artificial intelligence, identity and self-awareness, politics and love, the reader will be engaged in an entertaining story which takes several twists and turns before the culminating conclusion. Set in the year 2055, of British Columbia, Canada where humans are part robotic and robots are becoming more humanlike, the line dividing the two becomes less clear. When seventeen year old Fione meets Maci, a twenty-one year old Flexbot who escapes from ImaTech located at the crust of the Coast Mountains, Fione’s life is taken on a roller coaster ride of events that begins with trying to save Maci from ImaTech corporation and ends with trying to save the country. With her best friend and love interest, a Flexbot named Pix, Fione and Maci must come face to face with the greatest dangers their country has ever seen and learn the disturbing secrets of the popular online program Exotiqa which her friends, family and most of the country has downloaded into their Cerebral Slabs. Told from two points of view, Maci’s and Fione's, this dystopia is filled with plenty of futuristic technology and tells a story of a world that could eerily represent our own one day. Fans of Divergent and Hunger Games will love this dystopian world with two young but strong female heroines who must save the fragile system crumbling around them. This story will even satisfy those looking for something with more philosophical themes and is a perfect fit for the scifi, artificial intelligence and robotic interested readers. Flexbot dialogue is told in Synchro Let text and human dialogue is told in Baskerville text.

    M. Black

    (Independently published, Dec. 18, 2018)
    Jin will have to recuse her imprisoned friends before they are permanently altered by King Boron's experiments. Enjoy the second part of Jin's adventure through the breath-taking landscape of the Amazon jungle. Fans of Dr. Moreau and X-Men will enjoy this SFF Amazon fiction.

    M. Black

    (Independently published, Dec. 19, 2018)
    The last book in the 3 part series, GRAPH QUEEN, chronicles Jin's adventures after she becomes queen. She must defend her throne and prove herself in the Khan arena to keep her queenship.If you are fan of Dr. Moreau or X-Men, you will enjoy this series. If you love survival fiction and fiction set in remote exotic location like the Amazon you will enjoy this book.
  • Lost In Dino World-Cyber Zone


    Mass Market Paperback (Troll Communications, July 1, 1997)
    When Brooke makes friends with someone who calls himself Lizard Boy, and seems to know a lot about dinosaurs, in the Dino World chat room on the Internet, she and her friends find themselves back in the age of dinosaurs, where they are captured by intelligent troodons.When Brooke makes friends with someone who calls himself Lizard Boy, and seems to know a lot about dinosaurs, in the Dino World chat room on the Internet, she and her friends find themselves back in the age of dinosaurs, where they are captured by intelligent troodons