The PariPlan
Lisa Alexander
(PariPlan Publishing, Jan. 15, 2005)
Seven Steps To Get Your Child's Weight On Track. Includes The PariPlan book and companion CD with printable activity sheets, action plans and tips. If your child is overweight and you want to do something about it, the PariPlan was designed for you. Forget about placing your child on a diet, forget about structured exercise, forget about programs crafted by practitioners who have never dealt with an overweight child in their own family. The PariPlan (pear-ee) was developed by Lisa Alexander, a busy mother who has transformed her own child and her entire family through this proven approach to lifestyle change. The PariPlan provides you with all the tools you need to get your child's weight on track. The master guide book lays out a concise plan. The companion CD-ROM contains simple software tools, activity sheets and printable tips, menu ideas and action items to support the book. You will be educated and inspired by Lisa Alexander's story and her clear, common sense approach. In fact, Pediatrician Dr. Donald L. Meyer was so impressed with The PariPlan, he contributed the foreward to the PariPlan book. Part One of the PariPlan lays the foundation for positive change. Part Two gives you seven steps that will lead you to success. Part Three provides tools and tips that will help make it easy to implement and maintain. Because The PariPlan was designed by a busy working mother, the entire focus is to help families break through their own busy schedules and create positive changes for their children. Are you ready to embark on a lifestyle plan that will get your child's weight on track?