Essie's Kids and the Rolling Calf:
Bertha Brown, Luke Brown
(CreateSpace, Jan. 26, 2015)
'When it dawned on Karl that his pursuer was most likely to be a rolling calf, he really started running as if he hadn't been running before. He forgot about his damaged toe. He forgot about running and hopping. He was now running full, top speed. He was all-out straight sprinting. He shifted into sixth gear and took off blazing the trail for his dear life. Did Karl survived? What happened next?Clarion ReviewJUVENILE FICTIONMystery stories for kids have changed dramatically in the last few decades. Characters likeEncyclopedia Brown and The Boxcar Children have been replaced by wizards, vampires,werewolves, and zombies. Innocent sleuthing of creepy houses has been replaced by elaboratebattles with powerful supernatural figures. That’s what makes a ghost series like Essie’s Kids &The Rolling Calf stand apart from other children’s series. Husband and wife authors LukeBrown and Berthalicia Fonseca-Brown have created a collection of books that lets kids be …well … kids facing ghostly circumstances.Katerie Prior.