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Books with author Liz Murray

  • Weird Tales: A Collection of "Original" Paranormal Short Stories in Classic "Weird Tales" Style

    Lyn Murray

    eBook (Golden Panda Publishing, March 16, 2015)
    FYI . . . "When You Buy the Paperback Version -You Get the Kindle FREE"(Press Release)FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:Great reviews say it all – Weird Tales tribute Rocks! The new Weird Tales collection by author Lyn Murray (the best of Lyn Murray) capsulized in this 500 page compilation that is filled with eerie short stories that are based on real events (available now on is a tribute to the original magazine first published in 1923 – and to all of the literary greats like Ray Bradbury, H. P. Lovecraft and Isaac Asimov, whose contributions made the magazine a huge success – and all of them a household name.In keeping with the original magazine’s creepy agenda – Lyn Murray’s nomadic mind takes readers on a wild ride into the paranormal world of supernatural beings called BEKs (Black Eyed Kids) who want in and take your soul when they gain access, strange cemeteries with clandestine itineraries, Bigfoot UFOs, ghostly apparitions on a mission, real Werewolves, the most haunted objects in the world, a streetlight for the dead, night shadows with eyes only for you, nightmares that refuse to leave at dawn, and forbidden places that innocently draw you in then refuse to let you leave. In a world with so many unexplained phenomena – Lyn Murray’s Weird Tales carries on a chilly tradition of cold drafts, goosebumps – and things that go bump in the night that will have you looking under your bed and burning closet lights all night – forever!Weird Tales by Lyn Murray is no respecter of persons – scaring young and old alike, with fast paced, fact-based stories you can’t put down. As one fan so aptly noted: “Murray has a fine hand with complicated and disturbing paranormal content, and this collection is unsettling and chilling! The hair on the nape of my neck is suitably raised, and Murray is to blame because she is such a skillful writer, bringing the worst imaginings to life with her perfect prose and clever way of pacing with both urgency and elaborate detail, everything from first-hand stories to case studies and research. She's really in command with these tales, like a reporter from the dark side of the paranormal mind.” Alex Prosper.A different kind of writer, Lyn Murray is a Documentarian Storyteller whose writing style puts you at ease – like enjoying coffee and conversation with an old friend, all the while looking over your shoulder for fear someone (some thing) is creeping up behind you – because somewhere in the back of your mind you know that this is more than just fiction – it’s REAL! Weird Tales by Lyn Murray Available NOW on Amazon.comOffered by Golden Panda PublishingEnjoy!
  • Breaking Night

    Liz Murray

    Hardcover (Hyperion, )
  • A Facet for the Gem

    C. L. Murray

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, March 12, 2016)
    Morlen has never flown atop a great eagle. He's spent his whole life in the shadows. But now, he's about to embark on a thrilling adventure that leads him to the skies. In a land of eagle-riding knights, bloodthirsty beasts, and a ruthless tyrant, young Morlen retreats from thousands of snapping jaws with the stolen Goldshard in his grasp. Its power to bestow strength and invincibility is just a panicked whisper away, and he feels he'd be naked without it while he fights the sinister forces that follow him at every turn. A Facet for the Gem is a coming of age fantasy that brings Morlen from distant kingdoms to sprawling aerial battles, into the fiery breath of a stony dragon and side-by-side with a lady knight who is the last person to need rescuing. Fly with him as his epic adventures culminate in a final showdown against swords, fangs, and greatest of all: his own fear. Audiobook now available, narrated by Voice Arts Awards nominee James Foster, from award-winning Podium Publishing (Dawn of Wonder, King's Dark Tidings, and The Martian)
  • Into the Mist

    Lee Murray

    Paperback (Cohesion Press, April 13, 2016)
    Winner, 2017 Sir Julius Vogel Award for Best Novel When New Zealand Defense Force Sergeant Taine McKenna and his squad are tasked with escorting a bunch of civilian contractors into Te Urewera National Park, it seems a strange job for the army. Militant Tahoe separatists are active in the area, and with its cloying mist and steep ravines, the forest is a treacherous place in winter. Yet nothing has prepared Taine for the true danger that awaits them. They backtrack toward civilization, stalked by a prehistoric creature intent on picking them off one by one. With their weapons ineffective, the babysitting job has become a race for survival. Taine draws on ancient tribal wisdom as he becomes desperate to bring his charges out alive. Will it be enough to stop the nightmare? And when the mist clears, will anyone be left?
  • One Dark Halloween Night: Monsters in our skies!!

    Lyn Murray

    eBook (Golden Panda Publishing, June 25, 2013)
    FYI . . . "When You Buy the Paperback Version -You Get the Kindle FREE"* * * Lyn is a different kind of author: she is an Anthological Documentarian Storyteller (check out her Bio on which means she mixes fact with fiction, stories with historical documentation, to give you a thrilling read you won't soon forget - because you know in the back of your mind that this is more than just fiction. It's REAL!***First about the book - then some great reviews follow:One Dark Halloween Night (a book filled with more than just Halloween stories) first aired as an "audio book" before a live audience, and remains one of our best loved spooky shows - EVER!The Show Host's introduction follows: (don't miss it!):Before we begin, a bit of information you may find interesting, that is the basis for this story: while the story you are about to read is fiction, it is based upon actual, mysterious and unexplained sightings of something very strange in our Texas skies - that for lack of a better word, we'll call birds. Some people think they are throwbacks from the Cretaceous Period and are related to ancient Pterodactyls; while others believe they are the Thunderbird's of Native American Indian lore - which are often carved in their Totem Polls, and depicted in their Native American dances.The truth is - no one knows what they are. But (for one Texas farmer and his cow) there is little doubt of their existence. Lends new meaning to the term - When Cows Fly. Or, is that Pigs? Can never remember. Oh, well - I know I'm keeping one eye on the sky - how about you?! * * * This book is a compilation of short stories (original and classic) with the title story – One Dark Halloween Night - leading the way, and setting the stage, for some of the best ‘Spooky Literature’ ever committed to paper – keeping alive Lyn’s love of Classic Literature, which she brings to you just as it was written (except for occasional lite editing where needed). When you’ve finished reading, Lyn even feeds you – by including some of her favorite ghoulish recipes, picked especially for the trick-or-treat season . . . all year long!And if you’re not careful – you just might learn something you didn’t know . . . Lyn is known to hide little bits of wisdom between the pages. * * * Great REVIEWS:"After reading this book, I checked out YouTube and found that there have been sightings all over the world. Texas and Mexico are particular hotspots, but these things have showed up all over. Makes me wonder if that one reviewer might be right, and they show up over leylines? Maybe leylines are interdimesional doorway? Might be worth checking out. Loved the book!" Carter P., IN"What's going on in Texas? Makes me want to make the trip to find out. Like The Tuck (another true story by Lyn Murray) One Dark Halloween Night makes me wonder what the heck is going on in Texas?! Leylines, possibly interdimensional beings slipping through time? Holy Cow! Great read! Really enjoyed it" B. Maxwell, MD "Just to clear things up, the title story takes place on Hallowen, but this is not just a Halloween story; and it's not just one story, it's several, backed up with sightings by people who were there. One of them was a former president of the U.S.. Something ancient and dangerous is in our skies, and it's snatching people (and animals) right out of thin air! But don't get me wrong, this is a Great Halloween Story too! Loved it! I want the paperback." Jillian W., K.S.* * *You won't find witches or warlocks, vampires or werewolves, or magic in this creepy short story - just good old-fashioned scary fun! So come on in, prop up your feet, pop some popcorn, and prepare to be entertained.Enjoy!
  • Battle of the Birds

    Lee Murray

    language (Leapy Sheep, Nov. 5, 2013)
    Blending fact and fiction in a fantastic action‐adventure for children and young adults, Battle of the Birds by award winning author, Lee Murray, explores New Zealand's varied birdlife, flight and migration, democracy, early medicine, and most of all, friendship. Annie's family has moved to Wisconsin, and with her only friend away in Florida for the holidays, 11 year‐old Annie faces a long, boring summer. She lies on an eagle‐shaped hill and daydreams of home. Imagine her shock when the eagle breaks free from the earth and flies her home to New Zealand! But it's not a New Zealand Annie is familiar with, and when she and her new friend Moana almost walk smack into a giant moa, Annie realizes why. The eagle has flown her back to New Zealand, but she's arrived a thousand years too early, and right in the midst of a battle between the birds. However, Annie's visit isn't entirely unexpected...she can speak the language of the birds and is part of an ancient prophecy. Now she must mediate in a battle between the great bird chieftains: the violent and vengeful Te Hokioi and the thoughtful philosopher, Moa. Suddenly, Annie's summer doesn't look so boring after all!Can Annie and her friends help the flightless overcome the flying predators led by ambitious Te Hokioi? Will the gentle Moa survive to live on in history? And will Annie ever make it back to Wisconsin?
  • Isabell in Candy Land

    L. A. Murray

    language (Purple Sky Dreams, Feb. 17, 2015)
    L. A. Murray is a United States Navy Veteran who stumbled across the world of writing children’s books in 2014. Her newfound passion of creating kids literature is captivated from her travels around the world. Currently, she lives in Virginia with her two daughters and dog, Dixie.
  • Left Out

    M.M. Murray

    language (Archway Publishing, June 12, 2018)
    Abby enters her first year of middle school unsure how she will fit in without the support of her only best friend who moved away. Within the first few days of school, she’s tripped and shoved by a group of four sixth-grade girls she never met before. One time, they trapped her in a school stairway and punched her so hard she fell to the floor in pain. She can’t figure out why they are picking on her. She keeps the attacks to herself afraid if she tells someone, the girls will become meaner toward herAbby’s spirits are lifted by becoming friendly with Eden, a handicapped boy, also starting sixth grade, who moves into the house next door. Once Eden hears about her problem, he encourages her to determine a way to stand up to them. He even tries to show her techniques to push back, but Abby cannot find the courage to use them.On Halloween night, when Abby and Eden meet this “pack” of girls on a neighborhood street and they start an attack, Abby shudders in fear wondering if she will ever be able to stand up for herself.
  • Dawn of the Zombie Apocalypse

    Lee Murray

    eBook (IFWG Publishing International, Oct. 7, 2019)
    Chaos' latest game is positively epic. Just look at the trailer: the hero Bastion Axestone striding through the city streets, fireballs exploding around him and zombies staggering in his wake. Seb can't wait to play it. He downloads the works. Explosive effects, 3D upgrade, heavy metal soundtrack and a subliminal quotient—whatever that is.But the next day, Seb and his friends wake up to an apocalypse. Their teachers are missing in action, coach doesn't come to practice, and Seb's dad spends all day in his pyjamas. Even worse, not only has Mum not been in to work, she hasn't bothered to brush her teeth. It's beginning to look as if every grown-up in Bridgetown—possibly the entire world—has been zombified. They're obsessed with their personal electronic devices and it's all Seb's fault because he's the one who downloaded the game in the first place. Now, he has to fix it. But how? It's not as if he can un-download the game. Along with his best mate, Darren, and Talia, The Prettiest Girl in School, Seb has to figure out how to reverse the effect of the computer virus. But in the meantime, the zombies need feeding, Seb's little sister, Ava, needs minding, and someone has to walk the dog...
  • Left Out

    M.M. Murray

    Paperback (Archway Publishing, June 12, 2018)
    Abby enters her first year of middle school unsure how she will fit in without the support of her only best friend who moved away. Within the first few days of school, shes tripped and shoved by a group of four sixth-grade girls she never met before. One time, they trapped her in a school stairway and punched her so hard she fell to the floor in pain. She cant figure out why they are picking on her. She keeps the attacks to herself afraid if she tells someone, the girls will become meaner toward her Abbys spirits are lifted by becoming friendly with Eden, a handicapped boy, also starting sixth grade, who moves into the house next door. Once Eden hears about her problem, he encourages her to determine a way to stand up to them. He even tries to show her techniques to push back, but Abby cannot find the courage to use them. On Halloween night, when Abby and Eden meet this pack of girls on a neighborhood street and they start an attack, Abby shudders in fear wondering if she will ever be able to stand up for herself.
  • Descendants 2 Sketchbook: 8.5" X 11" - 100 Pages

    Linda Murray

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, March 1, 2018)
    Grab your crayons and this awesome Sketchbook to draw and color all your favorite Descendants characters! You can display your artwork with a standard 8.5" x 11" frame Includes 100 high quality blank pages