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Books with author Lisa M. Griffin

  • What Were You Thinking?: Learning to Control Your Impulses

    Bryan Smith, Lisa M. Griffin

    Paperback (Boys Town Press, Feb. 1, 2016)
    Kids do things before they think ALL THE TIME! Help them learn self-control and reduce their disruptive behaviors with this fun story. When you're a child, it's not easy to control your impulses. Children aren't always aware that what they are doing is inappropriate. Third-grader Braden loves to be the center of attention. His comic genius, as he sees it, causes his friends to look at him in awe. But some poor decision-making, like ill-timed jokes in class and an impulsive reaction during gym that left a classmate teary-eyed and crumpled on the floor, forces the adults in Braden's life to teach him about impulse control. But will the lessons shared by his teachers and his mom really help Braden manage his impulses? Young readers will enjoy this story filled with relatable and common situations all children share. What Were You Thinking? shows kids how to think before they act, and is part of the Executive FUNction series of books by author and school counselor Bryan Smith. Written for kids ages 5-10 (Grades K-5), this storybook includes tips for parents, counselors and teachers. This series of entertaining books help kids develop friendships, control emotions and improve their manners.
  • Of Course It's a Big Deal: A Story about Learning to React Calmly and Appropriately

    Bryan Smith, Lisa M. Griffin

    Paperback (Boys Town Press, March 1, 2017)
    If your child overreacts, this book is for you! This entertaining story teaches kids to keep their cool, when things don't go their way. Braden brings drama to every minor misunderstanding, grievance and annoyance in his life! He overreacts in any situation that doesn't go as he has planned. What was supposed to be a carefree afternoon of go-cart racing and putt-putt golf, quickly turns sour when Braden shouts and pouts about the rules. Turns out he is too short to drive a go-cart by himself. He thinks that rule is stupid and shouts out his opinion to everyone! Will Braden ever learn to keep his cool in the face of disappointment? Will every discouraging moment send him into an emotional meltdown? <p?This story is part of the Executive Function series of books for children to help them with social-emotional learning. Reacting calmly and appropriately when things don't go your way is an important skill for kids to have. Written for kids in grades K-5,Of Course It's a Big Deal teaches kids strategies to calm down and think about whether their reaction will make things better or worse for them. Tips for parents, counselors and educators are also included.
  • Green-Eyed Goose: A Boone Story about Overcoming Envy and Jealousy

    Lisa Griffin, Lisa M. Griffin

    Paperback (Boys Town Press, Aug. 15, 2018)
    Boone can help teach your kids how to be grateful for what they have and how to work for what they want. Boone is a cute gosling, but right now he is really bothered! Why is his brother Finn the first to fly? And why can Otter flip but Boone can't? It just doesn't seem fair! Boone doesn't realize that everyone is different with different abilities. Fortunately, Boone is surrounded by friends who help him understand it's natural to look at what others have and wonder what it would be like to be like them. But it's more important for Boone to recognize his own strength and talents. Boone soon learns that instead of begrudging what others have or earned, he should be grateful for what he has, and work hard to earn what more he wants. A great book to help children overcome feelings of jealousy and envy, and to remember the importance of gratitude and hard work. Tips for parents, teachers and educators are included.
  • What Were You Thinking?: A Story about Learning to Control Your Impulses

    Bryan Smith, Lisa M. Griffin

    eBook (Boys Town Press, May 12, 2019)
    A funny, entertaining book to teach impulse control to kids ages 5 - 11.Braden is brash with his words and actions. His ill-times jokes and thoughtless behaviors keep landing him in trouble at home and in school. Can Braden learn to slow down and think before he acts? Can he stop shooting off his mouth so he's not always saying inappropriate things? Young readers will enjoy finding out the answers in this funny and relatable story.Part of the Executive FUNction series by author and school counselor Bryan Smith.AMAZING book on controlling your impulsesI read this book with my social skills group last week and they loved guessing what the boy was going to do next, what he should do, and what they would do if they were in his situation. This book is funny, easy to read, and relatable for students. I also love the process that they provide in the book for thinking through your actions and deciding whether they are going to make your situation better or worse. We created posters for our classroom and their desks to remind them to follow the process in order to be impulse control experts. I have already purchased the downloadable activities to keep instructing on impulse control! Thanks! - Andrea Boyd
  • Time to Get Started: A Story About Learning to Take Initiative

    Bryan Smith, Lisa M. Griffin

    Paperback (Boys Town Pr, Oct. 22, 2018)
    Do your kids tell you that they'll get to chores or homework, but then YOU end up either starting it...or getting upset because you have to constantly remind them? This book simplifies task initiation by breaking it down into four easy steps. Blake doesn't understand why he has to clean his room RIGHT NOW. And he d rather do anything than learn multiplication! He'll get to those things eventually! But right now he is enjoying his video game. Luckily for Blake, his mom is there to help him understand why it's important to get started on tasks right away. By exploring his reasons for putting off the things he is supposed to do, Blake soon realizes that he is simply making excuses. Join Blake as he and his mom go through a few simple steps to help him take initiative and get things done. Time to Get Started is part of the Executive FUNction series of books that inspires children in grades K-5 to be flexible, organized, and resourceful. Tips for counselors, parents and educators are included in the back of the book.
  • My Day is Ruined!: A Story for Teaching Flexible Thinking

    Bryan Smith, Lisa M. Griffin

    eBook (Boys Town Press, May 22, 2018)
    Do you know a child who can't go with the flow? This book is for children who struggle when things don't go as planned! Braden was so excited for his upcoming Championship baseball game! The night before he dreamt of that moment - THE moment - the oohs and ahhs of the crowd as he scored the game-winning run! But imagine his surprise when he woke up to pouring rain - and NO GAME!A cancelled game, coupled with some events at school that don't go his way, send Braden on an overreaction tailspin! Braden is a kid who struggles at handling disappointment.Can the adults in Braden's life help him to use adaptive thinking to help manage his emotions and learn to be okay with changes? This story from the very popular Executive Function series by award-winning author and school counselor Bryan Smith has been a hit with anyone who wants to help children learn to think flexibly, manage stress, and handle emotions.This book series is a great tool for teachers, parents, and counselors who help kids with social skills, social emotional learning, and manners. Readers said this: [The book provides] tools to use when [my son] feels frustrated I read this story to my child clients in therapy. It teaches flexible thinking which is a great tool for coping with stress. Great book to use in school counseling. Several readers shared that their children or students with ASD / autism enjoyed and are benefiting from having read this book! Enjoy this story and the tips for parent and educators with your 6-12 year old today!
  • How Did You Miss That?: A Story for Teaching Self-Monitoring

    Bryan Smith, Lisa M. Griffin

    eBook (Boys Town Press, Dec. 12, 2019)
    Self-monitoring can be challenging to understand, and even more challenging to master. Help children develop their abilities to self-control! When he rushes home after an exhausting night of baseball, the last thing Braden wants to hear is Mom and Dad harping about everything he must finish on his to-do list. Of course, they wouldn't be on his case if he actually paid attention and did what he needed to do. From chores at home to questions on a quiz, Braden never checks his work for mistakes or to see if he missed anything. Is there a solution to his sloppiness? Yes... but will Braden be willing to try it? Can he become a master of self-monitoring? Award-winning author, happy father, and popular school counselor Bryan Smith highlights the importance of slowing down, being accurate, and double-checking one's work in the seventh installment of the Executive FUNction series written for K-5 students. Included at the end of the story are tips for parents, caregivers and educators to help children better control their self-monitoring skills.
  • Fix It with Focus

    Bryan Smith, Lisa M. Griffin

    eBook (Boys Town Press, Aug. 13, 2020)
    A Story About Ignoring Distractions and Staying on Task Spring is in the air! That means great things like warmer weather, playing outside, and baseball! So, when Blake is distracted by kids in the schoolyard, it’s no wonder why he doesn’t notice his friends working on the ground and knocks over their project! And when things are slow in the outfield and Blake begins to work on a dirt clump beneath his feet, is it a surprise he doesn’t see or hear the warning before a baseball nails him in the elbow? And come on, how is he supposed to keep working on his math test when it’s taking FOREVER, and he just wants to go outside? Focus. Focus. Focus. That is the advice Blake frequently hears but fails to follow. Although he may be struggling with focus and learning to stay on task, the adults in his life are there to help teach him how to use tools like the work/brain break cycle, squishy eraser, glove tapping, and more! Fix It with Focus adds another entertaining lesson to the very popular Executive FUNction book series by award-winning author, school counselor, dad and coach Bryan Smith. Being able to focus is an important life skill and can help set children up for success. Included at the end of the story are tips for parents and educators to help teach children in grades K through 5 how to channel their energy, time-management and self-monitoring skills.
  • What's the Problem?: A Story Teaching Problem Solving

    Bryan Smith, Lisa M. Griffin

    eBook (Boys Town Press, Nov. 14, 2019)
    Teach children to respond appropriately to different situations and put their flexible thinking skills to use! Blake wants to sell his brother, Braden, to another family. Savannah wants to fight Mary over an insult. Braden sooo wants to sneak out of class to play kickball. The characters in this fast-paced story face conundrums that make each of them consider solutions that are inappropriate, ill-advised or irresponsible. Fortunately, some good old-fashioned fatherly advice coupled with a tried-and-true strategy for solving problems keeps everyone safe and satisfied. This story introduces and encourages readers to use SODAS (Situation, Options, Disadvantages, Advantages, and Solution) as a way to logically and thoughtfully figure out how to solve any problem, from the silly to the serious. What's the Problem? adds to the wildly popular Executive FUNction series, which artfully weaves skill teaching into humorous storylines to help readers become flexible thinkers, problem solvers and self-managers. Included at the end of the story are tips for parents, caregivers and educators to help reinforce the importance of problem solving skills and helping to determine the appropriate response in any situation.
  • Hey Goose! What's Your Excuse?

    Lisa M. Griffin

    eBook (Boys Town Press, May 27, 2019)
    A heartwarming tale about spreading your wings and finding yourself. Boone is a gosling, loving life on the water with his geese family. He feels safe and comfortable in his small corner of the pond, so why would he ever leave? When Boone's mom and siblings swim off to the opposite shore, he won't follow. He has his reasons, like the water seems too cold and deep, and the other shore looks too muddy. But when he sees his family having fun, he wonders what he's missing. Are they eating doughnuts down there? Are they warming their feathers by a campfire? What if they see the elusive pond Yeti over there? Soon enough, Boone's curiosity grows bigger than his fears. Slowly he paddles away from his safe space, taking readers on a journey that reveals why leaving your comfort zone can lead to exciting and unexpected places.
  • Hey Goose! What's Your Excuse?

    Lisa Griffin

    Paperback (Boys Town Press, Sept. 4, 2017)
    A heartwarming tale for young children about spreading your wings and finding yourself. Boone is a gosling, loving life on the water with his family. He feels safe and comfortable in his small corner of the pond, so why would he ever leave? When Boone's mom and siblings swim off to the opposite shore, he doesn't follow. He has his reasons, like the water is too cold and deep, and the other shore is too muddy. But when he sees his family having fun, he wonders what he's missing. Are they eating doughnuts, having a campfire, or will they see the elusive pond Yeti? Boone's curiosity soon grows bigger than his fears. He slowly paddles away from his safe space, taking readers on a journey that reveals why leaving your comfort zone can lead to exciting and unexpected places. This book also includes tips for Parents and educators to use when teaching kids about trying something new, or experiencing things that are outside our comfort zones. You can read more on the adventures of Boon by reading author Lisa Griffin's second book; Green-Eyed Goose. This time Boon learns to overcome envy and jealousy.
  • Of Course It's a Big Deal!: A Story about Learning to React Calmly and Appropriately

    Bryan Smith, Lisa M. Griffin

    eBook (Boys Town Press, May 27, 2019)
    If your child overreacts, this book is for you! This entertaining story teaches social-emotional skills to children. What was supposed to be a carefree afternoon of go-cart racing quickly turns sour when Braden shouts and pouts about the rules. Turns out he is too short to drive a go-cart by himself. Hearing his parents say the rules are the rules only makes him more upset until a major meltdown follows. Will Braden ever learn to keep his cool in the face of disappointment? Will every discouraging moment send him into an emotional meltdown? Part of the Executive Function series of books for children, Of Course It's a Big Deal! teaches kids not to overreact to situations, use flexible thinking and keep their emotions in check! This entertaining story also gives kids strategies (and benefits) for maintaining self-control and managing disappointment. Tips for Parents, teachers, coaches and counselors are also included. A great resource for children with a behavioral disorder, ADHD or autism.