Just Lighten Up!: A Coloring Book for Children and Adults
Leia Stinnett
Perfect Paperback
(Light Technology Publishing, Jan. 1, 1997)
Just Lighten Up! is dedicated to everyone in the world who has ever had a bad day. On one such occasion I met Mobley, one of the "Lighten Up" Angels, who reminded me that life is an opportunity for us to experience joy, laughter, love, peace and harmony. Each little angel in this coloring book is demonstrating a tool we can all use to help us lighten up during the day. If we really want to be grumpy and unhappy, we can. But it is very difficult to stay that way when the Lighten Up Angels start revealing themselves in our lives. So call on these angels. Ask them to laugh and play with you, to help you see the humor in all experiences you create. Release negative thoughts, feelings and emotions as you color these lighthearted little angel pictures. Laughter is the best "medicine," and these little angels can brighten any day!