This book explains what science research is, how it is done, and why it is important. This book is useful for students ranging from grades 5th through 9th. There are colorful pictures and easy to understand descriptions. Learn how to apply the scientific method to research. Understand how scientists report their research. Get tips on reporting a school science fair project. Investigate what is in a science laboratory. Discover past and current science research.
Bring math alive with art. In this book, an art teacher is the substitute teacher for math. She uses famous artworks to teach math concepts like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, symmetry, perspective, patterns, geometry, and time.
A positive thinking book for ages 9 to adult that gives advice and inspiration. Choose to be positive and think good thoughts about the people, things, and situations around you.
This book is an introduction to the position of a scientist and to help children discover that they can be scientists. Many children think that a scientist has to be someone in a white lab coat who has been to college. However, everyday scientists can also be who they are now. This book is suited for elementary age children, with a reading and interest level for grades 2nd through 5th. Children can be introduced at an early age to the growing field of science whether it is to think scientifically in everyday life or to get them thinking about one day choosing a science career. This book is useful for children who like science and even those who don't realize that they are acting like scientists when they observe and ask questions. This book also gives a positive message of how and why a child can be a scientist for a career one day.
Introduces the science and importance of water. What are the 3 states of water? What is evaporation? What is condensation? What is the water cycle? What is precipitation? What are the uses of water? This book is suitable for 3rd to 6th grade.