Virtues and Values: 52 Weeks of Games, Activities, Reflection and Fun
Laura Blanco
(Pauline Books & Media, Jan. 1, 2004)
Joy, friendship, love, courage, solidarity, honesty, sincerity, gratitude..."Virtues and Values" suggests the necessary bricks for the upbringing of a happy, fulfilled and wise person with a balanced personality and a solid enlightened conscience. Virtues and Values offers educators a variety of pedagogical tolls to foster in boys and girls the development of human and moral values. Starting from biblical passages and a brief reflection, children are involved in activities and games which stimulate their creativity and broaden their understanding. The book unfolds in 52 sections, one for every week of the year, each proposing a virtue or a value to work on, always related to children's everyday experience. This book is full of ideas for families, teachers, catechists and full of fun for children.