The adventures of the six princesses of Babylon; in their travels to the temple of virtue an allegory.
Lucy Peacock
(, June 28, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1785 edition. Excerpt: ' the last person to dissuade you from so glorious an enter"prise as that of obtaining the Spear of Truth; and, though "I live in this obscurity, I may, perhaps, render you some service: There is a friend of mine, who keeps an elegant "house not far from hence; at my desire she will direct you a much nearer and easier way." He had scarce ended this sentence, when a young Woman, very smartly dressed, entered: Conduct this Traveller," said Hypocrisy, (turning towards her) ' to your Mistress: Tell her she is in pursuit "of the Spear of 'Truth; and that I am much interested in her "success: 49 "success:"--Saying this, he respectfully bowed to Clementina, and parted, with much seeming concern. / The young Damsel, whose name was Flattery, conducted the Princess through the Labyrinth of Error with great complaisance. Her winning manners, and agreeable conversation, fb delighted the Princess, that she imagined herself fortunate beyond her most sanguine wishes, in meeting with (6 agreeable a companion; nor did Flattery, on her part, appear to be less pleased; endeavouring, by all the art she was mistress of, to ingratiate herself with Clementina; lavishing on her the most extravagant compliments; telling her she was more beautiful, witty, and accomplished, than any she had ever before seen, &c. These soothing accents funk deep into the heart of the Princess, (who was naturally fond of admiration) and engrossed her attention, till a very ornamented building, painted with various colours, appeared in view. The Princess, observing its magnificence, asked her companion if it belonged to the Lady to whom they were going?--Flattery answered it did; but assured her, that the elegance of the inside infinitely...