A History of the Life of Amos Owens, the Noted Blockader, of Cherry Mountain
M. L. White
(Forgotten Books, July 17, 2012)
HiSTOEY OF A mos Owens Life. less frond companions. CHAPTER V. A gain is brought to trial. Sketch of Rev. Geo. Deck, of color, who alternately preaches and operates a wild cat distillery. Passing notice of Cooney Hunnicutt, a martyr of the whipping post. Except a predeliction to lie, cheat and steal; Honeycutt is an honest man. Col. Whangdoodle Tessiner, also a witness. His absent-mindedness, A mos comes clear, and again sells forty gallons. CHAPTER VI. Rise of Invisible Empire, or Ku Klux Klan. Troubles of Reconstruction. Negroes and their leaders cause a clash. The Union Leagues. The grotesque disguises and the terror of the superstitious negroes. A mos is a leader. Dectruction of James Justice sprinting plant and whipping of A aron Biggerstaff. Martial law prevails, and A mos Owens and others arrested. Devotion of our hero. Randolph Shotwell, A dolphus De Priest, Plato Durham and others. The above named are sentenced to a term of six years at Sing Sing, A lbany, New York, and all placed in durance vile, except Plato Durham. While awaiting trial, A mos sells whiskey at Rutherfordton and Marion, N. C. Plato Durham gets A mos pardoned at end of two years, and fine of 5,500 remitted. CHAPTER VII. Is a free man once more, but finds that the redlegged grass-hopper has again devoured his substance. Goes gunning; and lands in jail. Meets Aunt Polly Price, a Rutherford youngster of 99 who has kept his bureau rescuing the same from the festive grasshopper.(Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.)About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology.Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original