The Adventures of Izzy and Dizzy in Hawaii
SuZY McGregor
(Lollipop Media Productions, LP, Dec. 4, 2009)
Fasten your seatbelts and join The Adventures of Izzy and Dizzy, a five book series that transports you to enchanting places in New York City, London, Paris, China and Hawaii. Izzy and Dizzy, ages 8 and 10, jump at the chance to travel with their beloved, world-traveled Uncle Whizzy to see the world, meet their relatives and new friends while bounding through amazing and sometimes scary encounters that bless them with life-long bonds of the heart. Arriving in Hawaii is their last stop on this world tour. Standing atop snowcapped Mauna Kea, Izzy and Dizzy visit the famous Keck Observatory, seeing how astronomers reach deep into our universe and other galaxies. Then, because of their reverence to Nature, new Hawaiian friends dare to share secrets of a happy life while they swim with turtles, attend a luau, hike through a volcano and take part in a sacred Hawaiian ritual with a Kahuna, an Hawaiian holy man. SuZY hopes when you finish this book, you will feel like you’ve “been there!”