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Books with author Kym Kostos

  • The Wheelchair Races: Billy's Triumph

    Kym Kostos

    eBook (, June 20, 2014)
    Billy wheeled himself down the corridor at school. The buzzing of the students filled the halls. It was the last week of school before summer break. The eighth graders were going to be graduating that night and in three months starting high school. William Matthew Warner was no different than any other kid at school who would be graduating that night and moving up to the next level in education. Everyone knew him as Billy, but he was not like other kids his age. When school is over, the kids will be outside running about under the warm sun. But, Billy couldn't run because he was bound to a wheelchair. Since birth, Billy hadn't been able to walk due to a muscular disorder. The doctors and specialists told his parents that he would be bound to a wheelchair for the rest of his life. Billy had always dreamed of walking and dancing like the other kids, but he knew he would never be able to do that ever. He always envied the other kids who could walk, run and play sports.
  • The Tree That Wood Be: Nature's Remedies and Emotions

    Kym Kostos

    eBook (Vince Stead, Feb. 18, 2014)
    Once upon a time there was a tree named Ashby that lived in a meadow with eyes as blue as the sky and a nest top hat that his best friend Scarlet lived in.Ashby started out as a small apple seed and had grown into a large apple tree that gave the largest and sweetest from any of the other apple trees in the meadow. Scarlet was as red as the apples on Ashby's branches, with a crown of red feathers on top of her head and rose colored glasses, because through her eyes, her world was a beautiful place to live in.Ashby and Scarlet had been best friends for quite some time and their friendship meant a lot to each other. They could talk about anything to each other and they did every day.1. Meet Ashby and Scarlet2. Timmy Gets Sunburn and Discovers the Aloe Plant3. Cranberry Crunch4. Scarlet and Lavender5. Sara’s Chamomile Tea Party6. The Catnip Cure7. The Secret of Sage8. Ashby’s Natural Remedy Recipes"Ugh!!" Scarlet tweeted in frustration at her top hat nest."What is wrong Scarlet?" Ashby asked her."This straw will not stay where it is supposed to stay! It is so frustrating!" Scarlet tweeted loudly."You sound really frustrated. Maybe you should calm down and rest a little, then try it again." Ashby said calmly. "We don't need your emotions getting out of control, now.""Emotions?" Scarlet asked. “What are emotions?”"Yes, emotions." Ashby answered and continued, "Your feeling of frustration is an emotion. Different people feel different emotions at all times. Whether it's calm and relaxed, happy, sad, angry, etc… like right now you are feeling frustrated. That is called an emotion and we deal with them every day of our lives... good and bad.""Really?" Scarlet tweeted, still having her feathers ruffled. "Tell me more about emotions Ashby."1. Scarlet Learns About Emotions 2. Timmy Loses Max3. Sara’s Surprise Party4. Ashby and Scarlet Are Afraid5. Scarlet is in Love6. Timmy Feels Loneliness
  • The Tree That Wood Be: Nature's Remedies

    Kym Kostos

    eBook (, Feb. 21, 2014)
    Once upon a time there was a tree named Ashby that lived in a meadow with eyes as blue as the sky and a nest top hat that his best friend Scarlet lived in. Ashby started out as a small apple seed and had grown into a large apple tree that gave the largest and sweetest from any of the other apple trees in the meadow. Scarlet was as red as the apples on Ashby's branches, with a crown of red feathers on top of her head and rose colored glasses, because through her eyes, her world was a beautiful place to live in. Ashby and Scarlet had been best friends for quite some time and their friendship meant a lot to each other. They could talk about anything to each other and they did every day. 1. Meet Ashby and Scarlet 2. Timmy Gets Sunburn and Discovers the Aloe Plant 3. Cranberry Crunch 4. Scarlet and Lavender 5. Sara’s Chamomile Tea Party 6. The Catnip Cure 7. The Secret of Sage 8. Ashby’s Natural Remedy Recipes
  • The Misadventures of Batty the Cat

    Kym Kostos

    eBook (, July 5, 2014)
    When Batty the cat was born, he was the smallest out of his six brothers and sisters. Batty was born on a farm in a barn near the hay stack in the corner. Farmer Joe had put a blanket out for Batty’s mom, Pickles. Pickles was named Pickles because she was born near a pickle barrel one summer evening. Much like Batty’s mother Pickles, Batty was born on a warm summer night. Farmer Steve had heard Pickles howling really loud as she delivered her litter of kittens. Batty was the last to be born. Batty was a black cat with a little patch of white under his tummy. Even though Batty was the smallest, he still wanted to drink as much milk as he could from his mommy. When Batty and his litter were old enough, Farmer Ted took the box of kittens to the park and put up a sign that read “FREE KITTENS TO A GOOD HOME”. The litter of kittens went really quick. Except for Batty. Batty was the last one left. “Well, why won’t anyone take me home with them?” Batty thought to himself.
  • For Cats Only: How to Train Your Human and More!

    Kym Kostos

    eBook (, May 29, 2014)
    Hello my little kittens and those cats who have not yet mastered the art of training your human. I, Miss Kitty, will guide you through the world of humans and how to train them. You see, humans don’t come with manuals. However, they think they have cornered the market on manuals on how to raise and train us feline masterminds. Correction. Cats can’t be trained. I repeat. Cats cannot and will not be trained. Humans seem to have this misconception that we cats are trainable. WRONG! We choose our humans and everyone knows that. Your human did not choose you! You chose them! Whether they knew it or not, we made the choice of going home with our humans. For example; say you were at a pet store and you saw your human come inside the pet store. You think to yourself, ‘Well, he’s a little round around the waist, that means he eats good, which means he will feed me really good. I want to go home with him today.” Then, you meow and put on your best kitten face and play with a ball and act really cute.