Rescue Team Bravo: Boat on the Rocks: Boat on the Rocks
Darryn Thomas
(, June 13, 2014)
Book Two: Boat on the Rocks, is about James, his Uncle and Motor-Boat facing a wild storm and a big surprise under the Boat . The storm causes things to go wrong, including Motor-Boat crashing into rocks. RESCUE TEAM BRAVO saves the day with, courage and determination.The RESCUE TEAM BRAVO series are full of colourful characters, find the image activities, a rescue tip and a great story. Every book has adventure and is based on real life rescues carried out by highly trained staff.RESCUE TEAM BRAVO is made up of the best rescue characters (People and machines) from around the world. Risking their lives everyday to make the world a safer place for everyone. No rescue is too difficult. Nobody gets left behind.If life is a race, then RESCUE TEAM BRAVO run to win!What a joy to help someone along life’s journey. Let this book and the others in this series inspire your child to be the best they can be, to love life and to experience the joy of helping others.If you are looking for a book to encourage your child to love reading and be excited about adventure rescues, then RESCUE TEAM BRAVO is what you have been looking for! Enjoy the adventure.