In a remote part of the Sahara, Doc and friends battle Sol Yuttal, Hadi-Mot, carnivorous plants, and vampire bats for a fortune in diamonds. The fictional airship Aeromunde is based on the real-life French airship Dixmude, lost over the Mediterranean Sea on Friday, 21 December 1923.
While seeking to solve the mystery of "the trained vampire murders," Doc Savage and his amazing crew suddenly find themselves prisoners of Sol Yuttal and Hadi-Mot aboard a hijacked Zeppelin. Their deadly destination is a fabulous lost diamond mine guarded by carnivorous plants and monstrous, bloodsucking bats.
While seeking to solve the mystery of "the trained vampire murders," Doc Savage and his amazing crew suddenly find themselves prisoners of Sol Yuttal and Hadi-Mot aboard a hijacked Zeppelin. Their deadly destination is a fabulous lost diamond mine guarded by carnivorous plants and monstrous, bloodsucking bats.
DEVIL'S BREW - Murder on an international scale was being committed by a sinister mastermind. His method - an unusual, inescapable form of death. His trademark - a small statuette next to the corpse. THE MAN OF BRONZE and his fearless friends do battle with the thieving, murderous spawn from Hell - and become marked men themselves!
In a remote part of the Sahara, Doc and friends battle Sol Yuttal, Hadi-Mot, carnivorous plants, and vampire bats for a fortune in diamonds. The fictional airship Aeromunde is based on the real-life French airship Dixmude, lost over the Mediterranean Sea on Friday, 21 December 1923.
The events were bizarre. First, a millionaire industrialist vanished. Then, his workers broke out in red spots and went crazy. The Man of Bronze and his courageous crew sped to the scene of disaster to search for the perfidious plotter willing to gamble the minds and bodies of men to amass a vast fortune. Were they already too late?
The events were bizarre. First, a millionaire industrialist vanished. Then, his workers broke out in red spots and went crazy. The Man of Bronze and his courageous crew sped to the scene of disaster to search for the perfidious plotter willing to gamble the minds and bodies of men to amass a vast fortune. Were they already too late?