Lena, Pioneer Girl
Karen Murray
(lulu.com, July 4, 2014)
The first in the series "Children of the Quincy Valley", Lena, Pioneer Girl tells the story of Magdalena Weber, a German-Russian girl who emigrated to America with her family in 1904. They settled in the Quincy Valley, located in the Columbia Basin region of Washington State. This historical fiction combines facts of her life with the general experience of the German-Russian immigrant farm families of the era, including photographs of early Quincy. Over 100 years later, Weber descendants still live, work, and farm in the area today. Written by local author Karen Murray for the Quincy Valley Historical Society, cover art by Kelly Smothers, and illustrated by Kindra Ankey, this book is designed, not only as a reader for children, but also as an educational tool for both homeschool or classroom use. There are research projects, German words, and instructions on making a small quilt.