"The Book of Nice"
Kate Brown
Book II: "The Book of Nice" is based on this rule: Stick and stones will break my bones, but words will break my heart. Adventures continue when Hezzra-The-Centipede regains his sight from the evil Ruby. The Ruby gives him firesight too. Skeetle-The-Beetle is rescued from a deep hole by Mother 'Possum. Skeetle, Duke, and Hezzra have a final battle in the Crystal Cave where Hezzra almost dies. Queeny puts Witch Hazel leaves on Hezzra's wounds. Grandfather Beetle gets lost and ends up in Tal-wee Territory where he is put in prison by the mean, greedy Tal-wees. Grandfather escapes. After Christmas, rain floods The United Acres of Sassafras. Then snow and ice cover everything. Mrs. Persnickety Fox tells Red-tailed Hawk to steal Skeetle's magic backpack. Inside is "The Book of Nice." The Tal-wees plan to invade the United Acres of Sassafras on killer bees. Two Tal-wees change from mean to nice. The magic backpack and "The Book of Nice" save The United Acres of Sassafras on Earth Day. Praecher, the spirit of peace, blesses The United Acres of Sassafras.I am Kate Brown, the author. I live in the woods of Tennessee, where the wonders of nature inspire me to create these magical Sassafras Tales. The stories are full of fun and adventure that always end up with the characters doing the right thing. Even though some of the characters are greedy, selfish, and mean, kindness prevails. Skeetle-The-Beetle, Duke-The-Chameleon, Queeny-The-Mouse, Hezzra-The-Centipede, Winter-The-Black-Widow-Spider, Mrs. Pernickety Fox, even Tal-wees learn lessons of kindness. I hope you enjoy Sassafras Tales.