Adolescent Depression: Outside/In
Kathleen Keena
(iUniverse, Nov. 7, 2005)
Adolescent Depression: Outside/In is an innovative book foradolescents, parents, and clinical professionals. Keena, a licensedaddictions and mental health counselor, takes her readers insidethe depressed adolescent's imagination, and insecurities.Using a combination of narrative, poetry, and prose, Ms. Keenahas taken her personal experiences with depression and haswoven a masterful work. Through her own experiences, Ms.Keena has shown a way to understand the sense of losthelplessness of depressed adolescents. She then shows us thepath towards hope and recovery.This book will help adolescents, parents, and cliniciansunderstand the difficulties and challenges that can arise as thetreatable illness of depression begins to emerge in adolescence.Samuel M. Silverman, MDFellow of the AmericanPsychiatric Association