In a nythical village hidden behind a high hedgerow there live ten hedgehog families. Like the epic escapades of Tom Sawyer, the exciting exploits of one young hedgehog named Poggy never end within this enchanted hedge. The village Mayfair Egg Contest brings great fun and pressure to win to all the young hoglets. Even with Sparky trying to ruin Poggy's unusual egg, Poggy still has his clever entry.
'The Hedgehog Angel' is one of the eight Hedgecombe Village Series. Like the escapades of 'Tom Sawyer', the exciting troubles of plucky Poggy, a young hedgehog, never end. All the children in Hedgecombe Village jhave worked hard preparing for the annual pageant. But little Wick lets his enthusiasm get away from him and almost spoils the whole thing. Luckily Poggy is there to save the day.
'The Mushroom Treasure' is one of the eight Hedgecombe Village Series. Like the escapades of 'Tom Sawyer', the exciting troubles of plucky Poggy, a young hedgehog, never end. A search for buried treasure leads Poggy and his little sister Tuppy, deep into the dark woods, and a serious decision for Poggy to save his lost sister.