This is the story of Skye the dog and her life from a puppy to current day. She describes the many challenges she faced while growing up. This is a great short read for children! This is the second book of a series called "A Tail of my Life".
This is the story of Montana the dog and her life from a puppy to current day. She describes her life growing up and dealing with her jealousy issues. This is a great short read for children! This is the third book of a series called "A Tail of my Life".
This is the story of Misty the cat and her life from a kitten to current day. She describes how she deals with many changes in her life as she is growing up. A great short read for children! This is the first book of a series called "A Tail of my Life".
This is the story of Skye the dog and her life from a puppy to current day. She describes the many challenges she faced while growing up. This is a great short read for children! This is the second book of a series called "A Tail of my Life".
This is the story of Sam the cat and his life from kitten to current day. He describes his life growing up and dealing with the many adaptions he must make as his life keeps changing. This is a great short read for children! This is the fourth book of a series called "A Tail of my Life".