Tom Slade on the River
Percy K. Fitzhugh
“But suppose they shouldn’t come.”“Son, when I wuz out in Colorady, in a place we called Devil’s Pass, I gut a grizzly backed up agin’ a ledge one day ’n’ heving ony one bullet ’twas a case uv me or him, as yer might say. My pardner, Simon Gurthy, who likewise didn’t hev no bullets, ’count uv bein’ stripped b’ the Injins, he says, ‘S’posin’ ye don’t fetch him.’ ’N’ I says, ‘S’posin’ I do.’”Jeb Rushmore, with methodical accuracy, spat at a sapling near by.“And did you?” asked his listener.Jeb spat again with leisurely deliberation. “’N’ I did,” said he.“You always hit, don’t you, Jeb?”“Purty near.”...