The Silvered Mare
Jon Jacks
(jjaab Publications, March 28, 2018)
Our Queen is dead. Our rebellion is over.The Emperor is hunting us down.The Emperor who shows no mercy.My mother feared I was too young to fight.My fear is that I am too young to save Aedan.Everywhere, a new Queen rules.Everywhere, I find the Queen of Death.A note regarding the White Horse star clusterAt the time of the forming of the White Horse, the central star would have been at the base of the horse’s neck. Later, due to precession, it would have been found on the rearmost foreleg, hence the need to create the otherwise odd projection, which is a means of highlighting the star’s position.Note that the foremost hind leg has an extension that cannot be seen on the present hill carving, but earlier portrayals show that this did indeed appear in more original versions.