A cyclopædia of the physical sciences; comprising acoustics, astronomy, dynamics, electricity, heat, hydrodynamics, magnetism, philosophy of ... optics, pneumatics, statics, &c. &c
John Pringle Nichol
(RareBooksClub.com, Sept. 13, 2013)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1860 edition. Excerpt: ...it the expansions and contractions, it is during this joumey that each of them completes all its progressive modifications.... Further, a fresh quantity of liquid being always supplied, the transformation must be incessantly repeated. Hence the continuous and discontinuous parts of the jet: hence, also, the origination of expansions and contractions scarcely perceptible near the orifice; but becoming more and more developed as they move onwards with the liquid, until the expansions arriving one after another at the extremity of the continuous part, successive!detach themselves, and pursue their course as isolated masses, which assume, or tend to assume, a spherical form: hence, too, the spherules interposed between these masses; and, lastly, the laws discovered by Savart connecting the length of the continuous part, as well as the tone produced by the shock of the jet, with the change in the diameter of the orifice."--M. Plateau, however, does not deny the effect of vibrations, and even musical tones, in accelerating the formation and completion of ventral segments, especially when the expansions and contractions caused by the vibrations coincide with those originating in the molecular forces. Hf drometeare. The whole aqueous phenomena of the Atmosphere are designated by this name. The chief specific Hydrometeors, viz., Clouds, Dew. Fys, Snow, and especially Rain, are described and their causes investigated under those several titles in our dictionary, and under HYgrometrY; so that it simply remains for us in this place to offer some account of the ground or root of such laws as have been ascertained with regard to the habitudes of the aqueous or vaporous portion of our composite Atmosphere. The rational foundations of the whole...