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Books with author John Peele

  • Meltdown

    John Peel

    Paperback (Apple, May 1, 2000)
    When a bloody revolution takes hold and a threat to humanity is revealed, only a renegade band of teens and thieves can save it.
  • Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?

    John Peel, John Nez

    Paperback (Golden Books, June 1, 1991)
    The reader, as a detective for the Acme Detective Agency, pursues Carmen Sandiego and her gang around the world in an attempt to find four stolen treasures
  • Simon Says

    John Peel

    Mass Market Paperback (Puffin, June 1, 1993)
    Being new in school is hard for Kayla, but things get even worse when she discovers the sinister hold that Simon Brewster has over the whole town of Drayton.
  • Betrayal

    John Peel

    Paperback (Apple, Nov. 1, 1999)
    A doomsday virus has brought computer-dependent New York City to its knees, but Tristan Connor knows how to stop it if he can first stop the virus's creator, Devon--his clone. Original.
  • Where in the U.S.A. Is Carmen Sandiego? Part II

    John Peel

    Paperback (Golden Books, Sept. 1, 1994)
  • Traitor

    John Peel

    Paperback (Apple, Jan. 1, 2000)
    Tristran is arrested for his evil clone Devon's crimes and sent to Ice, the maximum security prison in Antartica, where he teams up with Genia, another convict, to plot an escape, while Quietus advances its plans on Mars, and Devon seeks new challenges on the Moon.Tristran is arrested for his evil clone Devon's crimes and sent to Ice, the maximum security prison in Antartica, where he teams up with Genia, another convict, to plot an escape, while Quietus advances its plans on Mars, and Devon seeks new challenges on the Moon
  • Revolution

    John Peel

    Paperback (Apple, March 1, 2000)
    From the depths of the Underworld to the ultra-secure prison on Ice, chaos, suffering, and evil are spreading, and Tristan Connor knows that no one can stop the revolution--they can only hope to survive
  • Prisoners of Peace

    John Peel

    Paperback (Aladdin, Oct. 1, 1994)
    Deep Space Nine becomes a tension-filled battleground as Jake, Nog, Ashley, and T'Ara become caught between Jakar, a Bajoran boy whose parents have been killed by the Cardassians, and Kam, a stowaway and the daughter of a Cardassian official. Original.
  • Simon and Marshall's Excellent Adventure

    John Peel

    Paperback (Avon Camelot Books, Nov. 1, 1997)
    When all of his possessions, from his sneakers to his homework to the gum underneath his desk, begin to disappear, Marshall and his friend Simon begin to suspect a new kid from school and find the truth stranger than expected. Original.
  • The Outer Limits: The Vanished

    John Peel

    Paperback (TOR, March 15, 1998)
    Where is everybody? The alarm clock goes off. You wake up and get ready for school, just like every other day. So what's the big deal? Well, what if one morning you suddenly discovered that you were one of the last surviving people on Earth? That's right, everyone else has disappeared. No idea how, no idea why, just... gone - vanished. This has come true for a small group of teenagers who have just awakened to their worst nightmare. But it gets worse. Someone - or something - is hunting them down.

    John Peel

    Paperback (Aladdin, Jan. 1, 1997)
    Moving back to their hometown and family home, Simon is frustrated when the old family curse promptly settles in, trapping him and the ghost of his great-grandfather in the middle of a World War I battle. Original.
  • Suddenly Twins!

    John Peel

    language (Aladdin, May 11, 2010)
    It all began the day Chrissie Scott looked into the mirror and saw somebody else's reflection. A boy who looked exactly like her. Nothing would ever be the same again... Suddenly Twins! Chrissie thought she had troubles -- until she fell through the mirror into her double's life. He said his name was Chris, and his world was the mirror image of hers. His world was ruled by magic -- and about to be destroyed by the sorceress Lori Lee! Chris is desperate. He has cast a powerful spell and sees the evil plot. Chrissie is the only one he can trust. Together they must save his world before it's too late. But is Chrissie about to be lost forever in the universe beyond the mirror?