Elements of chemistry Volume 2 ; In two volumes
John Murray
(RareBooksClub.com, May 21, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1817 Excerpt: ...before the blowpipe, and exhales fumes of sulphur and oxide of antimony. It consists of 74 of antimony, and 26 of sulphur. Plumose Grey Antimonial Ore contains, with sulphuret of antimony, portions of arsenic and iron, and sometimes a little silver. It occurs generally in capillary crystals. Red Antimonial Ore is probably a sulphuretted oxide, its composition, as found by Klaproth, being 67.5 of antimony, 10.8 of oxygen, and 19.7 of sulphur. It occurs in capillary crystals of a red colour, opaque, and shining. It melts before the blowpipe, and exhales in vapour. Sect. X VI.--Of Ores of Tellurium. This metal occurs chiefly alloyed with other metals. In its purest state it forms an alloy formerly named Aurum Paradoxicum, the proportion of tellurium being 90 in 100 parts, with portions of iron and gold. It is massive, disseminated, or in small crystals of a white colour, and shining metallic lustre, having a foliated fracture, and a specific gravity from 5.7 to 6.1. It melts before the blowpipe, gives a white smoke, and is oxidized. In the graphic gold ore there is more gold, and silver is associated with it, the proportions, as determined by Klaproth, being 60 of tellurium, 30 of gold, and 10 of silver. It is usually crystallized in minute prisms, superficially aggregated on quartz, in a form giving the appearance of letters, whence the name Graphic applied to it. Its colour is steel-grey, its lustre metallic, but liable to tarnish, its fracture uneven, its specific gravity 5.7. In the white or yellow sylvanite, there is present a portion of lead, with tellurium, gokj, and silver. Its colour is silver-white, inclining to yellow; its lustre metallic; its fracture foliated; its specific gravity 10.6. It occurs disseminated, or in minute crystals. In the black t...