John Oswald Francis
(, Sept. 12, 2013)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1913 edition. Excerpt: ... ACT II Time: Evening of the following Sunday. Scene: The same. The table is now closer to the fireplace. The sweetpeas in the vase on the dresser have been changed. Price's week-day coat and a straw hat with Cardiff College band are behind door on left. Sam, in his best clothes, is sitting on the left-hand side of the dresser, his face hidden behind the "News of the World." Gwilym, reading a copy of " Cymru," is seated in the armchair, which is now on the left side of the table. Lewis is standing near the window, looking out. John Henry is seated in the chair by the parlor door. He is a young man of twenty-one, in appearance something like his brother Lewis. Just now he is lost in thought. There is a short spell of silence; then Gwilym, unconsciously, begins to hum the old Welsh hymn, "Bydd myrdd o ryfeddodau." After a bar or two, Lewis and John Henry take it up in harmony. Sam lowers the newspaper and looks at the brothers with perplexity and disgust. Sam. Cheerful, ain't it? Cawn't yer give us somethin' a bit more laively? Laife ain't orl a fun'ril, long drawn aht. Lewis. Strange what a hold they get on a man -- those old hymns. [Sits down on chair by window.] John Henry. Yes, very strange! They seem to get down into your blood somehow. Sam. Not maine, me boy. No fear! Gimme a seat in a music 'all, a pot o' beer, a paipe of baccy, and I'm 'appy -- puffickly 'appy. [Looking at the clock.] I suppose the boss and the missis will be 'ome from chapel before long, nah. I'd better 'op it. Gwilym. They won't be here for some time yet. It's the first Sunday in the month. And there'll be a lot of talk about the Church Meeting next week. They're going to choose the pastor then. Lewis. Aay. There'll be father pulling the strings for Thomas...