Memoirs of a Forty-Niner
John Evans Brown
(, July 25, 2010)
This historic journal was published in 1888 and tells of a family's overland journey to the Pacific.Excerpt:March 15, 1849. Our final arrangements were made yesterday,and all were ready this morning to start on our long trip toCalifornia. Our families and friends watch us from the CourtHouse, as we wend our way down the hill towards the river,and at the last bend we wave our last adieu to our loved ones. The day is rather cold with threatening clouds, andwith heavy hearts and feverish hopes, we ride on. Our party is small, but many will join on our way and at Independence,hundreds will be on the trail.Our company consists of Thomas S. Lowry, Jarius Palmer,John Roberts, James Reynolds and Henry A. Wood. I ridemy bay horse, two others ride, and two drive in wagons,which carry provisions and clothes, and such things as weneed.We travelled sixteen miles to Weaver on French Broad River,arriving in a very hard rain, and it was with difficulty thatarrangements were made for the right. Roberts and myselfslept in one waggon while the rest were kindly furnished witha comfortable bed in the house. This evening I was initiatedinto the mysteries of washing dishes. I fancied I did the thing up "brown".March 16th. The next day the rain stopped and we left campand travelled as far as Bartlett's, twenty-three miles, whenthe waggon broke down and had to be repaired. Wood andI walked over the bridge to the Warm Springs and I wassurprised to find the water quite warm. The Warm Springsare situated in a healthy and romantic valley of the FrenchBroad River, and are owned by Thos. Patton, Esq., whohas fitted up an extensive establishment for the accommo-dation of invalids, who are generally restored to theirwanted health by the medicinal waters. The next day we left Bartlett's at seven o'clock and drove toMcMahoney over very bad roads. The day was very wet andwe were put to our wit's end in setting our tent and cookingsupper in the rain. Reynolds was taken quite sick but soonrecovered. The falling of the rain was dreary, and ourthoughts wander back to those sitting around the home fire.