Cinderdog and the Wicked Stepcat
Joan Holub
Library Binding
(Albert Whitman & Company, March 4, 2001)
Cinderdog's life is purt near perfect at the Gitalong Ranch, until his best bud, Cowboy Carl, went and married Cactus Kate. Now Cinder has a brand-spankin'-new stepmother, and a Stepcat to boot. Wicked is the cat's name, and that's what she is all right. While the lovestruck Carl is busy moonin' and spoonin', Cinder's busy cleanin' and sweepin'. And what's Wicked doin'? Not a darn thing! Cinderdog is ready to pack his bags and get outta town. This cowboy tale will make a great read-aloud for all young buckaroos, especially those with blended families.