Halloween Jokes: Funny Halloween Jokes for Kids
Jimmy Giggles
(CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Sept. 21, 2016)
Funny and Hilarious Halloween JokesYou will giggle so hard at these funny Halloween jokes for kids. There are over 100 super-funny and hilarious Halloween jokes created to make you laugh!Over 100 Halloween jokesExcellent for early readersFun for kids, teens, or adultsFrom the book...Q: What is Dracula’s favorite pudding?A: Leeches and scream!Q: What do you get if you cross a monster with a flea?A: Lots of very scared dogs!Q: Where do baby ghosts go during the day?A: Day-scare centers!Comedy, humor, and joke-telling have many positive benefits associated with it. Jokes can bring a smile to the face of others and put you in a great mood! Here are a few more benefits associated with joke-telling:Help you bond with friends and familyLighten tense situationsHelp you make friendsGreat conversation startersPerfect for texts and status updatesScroll up and click buy to start laughing today!