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Books with author Jessica Madison

  • Papaw's Treasure

    Jessica Madison

    Paperback (Independently published, March 19, 2019)
    This is the story of a small family farm across several generations. Part historical fiction and part personal memoir, it reminds us of what is most important in life. "The treasure is the land we call home and the people who share it. Papaw's treasure has been beneath our feet all along...""A wonderful little book, Papaw's Treasure tells the story of life and change in the mountains of Appalachia, but it also raises important questions about the choices we make in modern America. A critical read for young people and adults in these times." Ron Eller, Distinguished Professor of History Emeritus, University of Kentucky"...your story is both well written and true. You managed to say an astonishing amount about our rural economy in a few pages." Wendell Berry, Kentucky Poet, Novelist, and Essayist (from a letter to the author)Jessica (Flinchum) Madison earned her PhD from the University of Kentucky and teaches college History courses online. She is a wife, mother of four children, and shepherdess in rural Southeastern Kentucky, where her family has lived for seven generations.
  • Help Your Cat Live Longer: The Ultimate Guide to Life with Your Cat, Think Like a Cat: How to Raise a Well-Adjusted Cat-Not a Sour Puss.

    Jessica Madison

    This comprehensive cat care guide from Jessica Madison, shows us how to help your cat live longer and eliminate feline behavioral problems by understanding cats' instinctive behavior.If you’re a cat owner, especially a new cat owner, it’s natural to ask questions about ageing and your feline. Just how long do cats live?Cats are living longer than ever before, thanks to the advances in medicine and nutrition. It’s very usual today to see a cat live well into its 20s.We who love cats want them to live as long as possible since we love them just like they are our kids. Although genetics may have an effect on how cats age, there are many things we can do to prolong our cats’ life potential, starting when they first come under our house.Unfortunately, there’s no magic pill, potion or feline fountain of youth, but following tips on the book will give your kitty the best chance at a long, healthy life. In addition, cats can provide vital love and affection when no one else will, so it’s our responsibility to return this affection in full measure. Even if lots of love won’t increase your cat’s lifespan it will surely make the time you share more enjoyable.Jessica Madison.
  • Papaw's Treasure

    Jessica Madison

    eBook (, March 18, 2019)
    This is the story of a small family farm across several generations. Part historical fiction and part personal memoir, it reminds us of what is most important in life. "The treasure is the land we call home and the people who share it. Papaw's treasure has been beneath our feet all along...""A wonderful little book, Papaw's Treasure tells the story of life and change in the mountains of Appalachia, but it also raises important questions about the choices we make in modern America. A critical read for young people and adults in these times." Ron Eller, Distinguished Professor of History Emeritus, University of Kentucky"...your story is both well written and true. You managed to say an astonishing amount about our rural economy in a few pages." Wendell Berry, Kentucky Poet, Novelist, and Essayist (from a letter to the author)Jessica (Flinchum) Madison earned her PhD from the University of Kentucky and teaches college History courses online. She is a wife, mother of four children, and shepherdess in rural Southeastern Kentucky, where her family has lived for seven generations.
  • Church History in Poems and Pictures

    Jessica Madison

    language (, Oct. 15, 2018)
    Dr. Madison combines her experience as historian and a homeschooling mother in this collection of five poems about church history, complete with contemporary illustrations. Poems include "Religions of the World," "The Waldenses of the Alps," "The Lollards of Britain," "The Baptists of America," and "Passing the Torch."
  • Hank Aaron: Home Run Hero

    Jessica Morrison

    Paperback (Crabtree Pub Co, Aug. 15, 2010)
    A Crabtree Groundbreaking Biography about the celebrated baseball Hall of Famer and one of baseball's all-time greatest hitters, who shattered Babe Ruth's home-run record in one of the defining moments of his life and career. Simultaneous.
  • Help Your Cat Live Longer: The Ultimate Guide to Life with Your Cat : Think Like a Cat: How to Raise a Well-Adjusted Cat-Not a Sour Puss.

    Jessica Madison

    Paperback (Independently published, Sept. 27, 2018)
    This comprehensive cat care guide from Jessica Madison, shows us how to help your cat live longer and eliminate feline behavioral problems by understanding cats' instinctive behavior.If you’re a cat owner, especially a new cat owner, it’s natural to ask questions about ageing and your feline. Just how long do cats live?Cats are living longer than ever before, thanks to the advances in medicine and nutrition. It’s very usual today to see a cat live well into its 20s.We who love cats want them to live as long as possible since we love them just like they are our kids. Although genetics may have an effect on how cats age, there are many things we can do to prolong our cats’ life potential, starting when they first come under our house.Unfortunately, there’s no magic pill, potion or feline fountain of youth, but following tips on the book will give your kitty the best chance at a long, healthy life. In addition, cats can provide vital love and affection when no one else will, so it’s our responsibility to return this affection in full measure. Even if lots of love won’t increase your cat’s lifespan it will surely make the time you share more enjoyable.Jessica Madison.
  • Plastic Girl: Evolution

    Jessica Maison

    Paperback (Wicked Tree Press, Oct. 26, 2018)
    Set against the backdrop of a planet ravaged by acidic waters, toxic air and polluted lands, this sci-fi climate novella acts as a cautionary tale for adults and a hopeful one for youth, affirming that every end, even the darkest, makes room for new beginnings. Eva, one of Earth's last inhabitants, is a lonely girl searching for companionship and evidence that life might return to Earth. What time she doesn't use to survive her harsh environment, she spends searching for life, stewarding the lake around her cabin and making sculptures of extinct animals out of found materials. One day, while checking on her island, she discovers something alive that shouldn't be, something she can transform and that can also transform her. She embarks on a grand and dangerous scientific journey that ultimately will birth a new era and provide her with the companionship she so desperately needs. Through Eva's engagement with this new life, readers will discover that to save the world, humanity may have to become something else entirely or disappear completely.
  • Plastic Girl: Evolution: An adventure science fiction story filled with suspense, mystery, science and fantasy - young adult and kids 9-12

    Jessica Maison

    language (Wicked Tree Press, Aug. 8, 2018)
    The Earth has been ravaged by acidic water, toxic air and polluted lands with most of its inhabitants dead or dying. A lonely girl discovers new life in the unlikeliest of places and embarks on a grand and dangerous scientific and magical journey that gives birth to a new era. Plastic Girl functions as a cautionary tale for adults and a hopeful one for youth, affirming that every end, even the darkest, makes room for a new beginning.
  • Plastic Girl

    Jessica Maison

    eBook (Wicked Tree Press, April 22, 2020)
    Eva grew up in a climate apocalypse, her parents are dead, and the boy she once loved is probably trying to kill her. Just when she's about to give up, she discovers a new species born from plastic waste. More incredibly, she can mold these creatures into other beings - first a butterfly, then a fish, a deer, a bear - and eventually, a sister, Iris. As Eva dabbles with creating life, it becomes frightfully clear that her creations, Iris included, will either save humanity or end it.
  • Wayne Gretzky: Greatness on Ice

    Jessica Morrison

    Paperback (Crabtree Pub Co, Aug. 15, 2010)
    Surveys the life and career of the hockey player many believe was the best so far, describing his ability to read the game and consistently make the right moves, which earned him records for scoring year after year.
  • One Whole Night With You

    Jessica Madden

    language (Violet Hearts Publishing, June 23, 2020)
    Amberlee is excited to spend her first Valentine's Day with her boyfriend of five months. That's until she discovers that he has been seeing his ex. With Valentine's the next day, she is sure it's ruined. Who wants to be miserable on the day of love when you have just broken up with someone? With the help of her best friend, Justin, the two of them makes the most of Valentine's Day together. Who needs love when you have your best friend?But can one night change everything between them?
  • The Little Book of Big Bible Doctrines

    Jessica Madison, Michael Madison

    Paperback (Independently published, Oct. 2, 2018)
    Truth fits together like pieces of a puzzle. "Doctrine" can be an intimidating word, even for many adults. But in these times of spiritual confusion, it is more important than ever for Christians of all ages to be firmly grounded in the teachings of the Bible. The Madisons have presented fundamental doctrines such as the Inspiration of Scripture, Sovereign Grace, Baptist Immersion, and a Pre-Tribulation Rapture in a way that is simple enough for a child to understand. Included are "error alerts," "history notes," and original poems and illustrations. We pray that God will use this little book to strengthen Baptist churches around the world."That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;" (Ephesians 4:14)Michael and Jessica Madison are members of Landmark Baptist Church in Annville, Kentucky. We would like to thank all of our friends who read drafts and offered suggestions and encouragement. This book is lovingly dedicated to our sons Aden, Landon, and Daniel.