526 Pee-Yo Pants Riddles For Kids: Funny Jokes, Brain Teasers and Riddles That Every Kid Loves! Watch Your Kids Laugh Hysterically!
Jessica Hart
(Independently published, Jan. 2, 2019)
â©â© Buy the Paperback and Receive the Kindle eBooks for FREEâ©â©Do you like to keep your brain active by solving word puzzles and brain teasers? Do you believe that it is essential to keep the brain active to stay healthy? Are you looking for a way to keep all the best riddles, puns, and brain teasers together in one easily accessible place? Then a book full of brain teasers and riddles is exactly what you need! Don't be content to just let a single joke pass over your head. Don't be the one in your group of friends who can't answer the riddle. Instead, stun and amaze your friends with a wide assortment of riddles! There's enough here for you that you'll find one that nobody knows. Confuse your friends! Stump your parents! Impress your teachers! And most importantly, impress yourself! You'll never know just how smart you are until you've managed to solve a riddle all on your own. Since the invention of language itself, riddles have been used to teach children logic, and to develop the brain-even before we knew what a brain was! The effect of riddles and brain teasers on the development of the young mind has been proven for millennia. Riddled have long appeared as part of children's parables and fairy tales, to teach critical thinking alongside the moral lessons those stories supply. One of the most famous examples in recent years comes at the hand of J.R.R. Tolkien himself, whose classic children's book 'The Hobbit' features and entire section where the protagonist must outwit a creature using riddles. So, do you want to be like the clever hobbit yourself? Spin riddles that'll leave your friends laughing when you give them the answer? Inside you will find a variety of riddles and brain teasers under such themes as...Animal riddles, for everyone out there who loves to read about furry creatures as much as you love to pet them!Spooky riddles, full of ghosts and ghouls, perfect for Halloween!Planes, trains, and other transportation riddles perfect for your family road trip!Puns that'll have you busting a gut!Sports riddles for everyone who'd rather be out running around!And so much more!Don't hesitate to look here when looking for all the best riddles, puns, and brain teasers. They'll make you laugh, make you think, make you yell in frustration and cry out in joy when you finally get it right. Don't hesitate a moment longer-"Riddles For Kids: 526 Pee-Yo Pants Riddles and Brain Teasers For Kids" is the book for you! Scroll up and click the buy now button to begin your journey!