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Books with author James Riley

  • The Complete Works of James Whitcomb Riley

    James Whitcomb Riley

    Hardcover (Franklin Classics Trade Press, Oct. 23, 2018)
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. To ensure a quality reading experience, this work has been proofread and republished using a format that seamlessly blends the original graphical elements with text in an easy-to-read typeface.We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.
  • Master of the Sky and Sea: The Story of Ted Wells

    James Rix

    Paperback (Relentlessly Creative Books, Feb. 3, 2018)
    This is a true story about a man who was passionate about airplanes—flying them, designing them and building them. His innovative designs and creative vision were so much a part of aviation history that his breakthrough biplane design, the Staggerwing, shown on the cover of this book, hangs in the Smithsonian Institution’s National Air and Space Museum in Washington D.C. Ted Wells not only designed the Staggerwing, but also the Model 18 and many other extremely popular and enduring commercial and military aircraft. Beech Aircraft, the company he co-founded with Walter and Olive Ann Beech, continues to build planes to a standard influenced by Ted’s contribution to pioneering aviation. While best known for his career in aeronautics, Ted Wells was equally passionate about sailboats and became a competitive sailor of great skill. He sailed at a level of performance that literally exceeded all others. Twice he was awarded the World Championship for the Snipe class of sailboats after winning against national champions from many countries. Ted Wells was an extraordinarily talented and accomplished individual who put his unique stamp on the most exciting technology of his era. This is his story.
  • Twice Upon a Time

    James Riley

    Hardcover (SIMON & SCHUSTER, July 6, 2012)
    Pirates and mermaids face off in this fractured-fairy tale sequel to Half Upon a Time"! Jack and May are back for another adventure in the world of fairy tales with a twist. Now that they know about May's grandmother's real intentions, they're on the hunt to learn May's true identity. The search for answers leads Jack and May to the world of the Sea King, where they land right in the center of a battle between mermaids and the Pirate Bluebeard. The laughter and action are as nonstop as ever in this next book from new author James Riley!
  • Twice Upon a Time

    James Riley

    Hardcover (Aladdin, April 24, 2012)
    Little mermaids and normal-sized pirates always create the biggest of problems, don't they? After the surprise revelations of HALF UPON A TIME, Jack, May and Phillip could use the help of a fairy godmother or two on their search for May's true identity. Only, there might be a snag: The entire Fairy Homelands have been put to sleep by an evil curse, and waking them could be hard. That's only if by hard, you mean escaping from the Land of Never, braving a merman-infested ocean to find a Sea Witch, then fighting alongside the pirate Bluebeard against an army of land-invading sharks with legs, all while trying to outwit one of the Wicked Queen's Eyes who seems to know your every move. So, yeah, a bit hard. But what fun would an easy fairy tale be?Twice Upon a Time is the second book in the Half Upon a Time series.
  • The Complete Works of James Whitcomb Riley

    James Whitcomb Riley

  • Little Orphant Annie

    James Witcom Riley

    Hardcover (Putnam Juvenile, March 11, 1983)
    Annie tells her mistress's children stories about the goblins that will carry off children who are mischievous or will not say their prayers
  • Half Upon a Time

    James Riley

    Hardcover (Aladdin, Sept. 7, 2010)
    Jack lives in a fantasy world. Really. He's the son of the infamous Jack who stole the magic beans from the giant, and he's working hard to restore his family's reputation. He finds the perfect opportunity when a "princess" lands in front of him, apparently from the land of Punk, as her Punk Princess t-shirt implies. May is from our world, and she's utterly confused to find herself in the midst of the fairy tale characters she has read about. But Jack and May have more in common than they realize--and together, they embark on a hilarious and wild adventure in this highly accessible, modern middle grade fantasy novel.Half Upon a Time is the first book in the Half Upon a Time series.
  • The First World Problems of Jason Van Otterloo

    James Bailey

    (Independently published, April 10, 2019)
    In Jason Van Otterloo’s neighborhood, the Fourth of July fireworks are provided by his drunken parents brawling in the driveway. One moment they’re not speaking to each other, the next they’re on the couch like teenage lovers. He’s not sure which is worse. He’s been waiting for them to grow up for nearly 16 years, and it doesn’t seem likely to happen any time soon.Desperate to escape, Jason takes on any job that comes his way with the dream of saving enough money to get his own place. When the border patrol snuffs out his landscaping career, he talks his best friend Drew into enlisting with him as a caddy at the local country club. His income might not be sufficient to move out on, but it’s plenty to cover his first date with Gina—if she’s willing to overlook the minor detail about having to take the bus to the movies. Life would be so much easier if Jason were old enough to drive.Gina proves a nice distraction from the circus at home, at least until Jason realizes he has competition for her attention. “I want to come right out and say something,” he tells Drew, “but at the same time I don't want to know for sure.” At coffeehouse poetry slams or via late-night email exchanges, his fellow intellectual Drew is always there to provide perspective. But the one topic he can’t help Jason make sense of is Rob and Janice Van Otterloo’s rocky relationship. “Maybe they'll learn how to become boring and safe like my parents,” Drew suggests, when they finally seek marriage counseling. “I don't want them to be like your parents,” Jason replies. “It wouldn't be authentic.”Nor would it be as entertaining. Told entirely through emails between Jason, Drew, and others, The First World Problems of Jason Van Otterloo will appeal to fans of The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole and readers who best enjoy their teen angst cushioned in humor.
  • Rhymes of Childhood

    James Whitcomb Riley

    Paperback (Forgotten Books, June 11, 2012)
    English, the conscientious author feels it neither his desire nor province to offer excuse. Wholly simple and artless, Nature schildren oftentimes seem the more engaging for their very defects of speech and general deportment. We need worry very little for their futures since the A ll-K ind Mother has them in her keep. It is just and good to give the elegantly trained and educated child a welcome hearing. It is no less just and pleasant to admit his homely but wholesome-hearted little brother to our interest and love. J. W. R.(Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.)About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology.Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format of each page whilst digitally enhancing the aged text. Read books online for free at
  • Poems of Childhood

    James Whitcomb Riley

    eBook (Reading Essentials, Feb. 7, 2020)
    Good value in an excellent selection of Riley favorites. Great introduction to his work, with the raggedy man and little Orphant Annie and the hired girl all properly introduced, the Riley gallery of poems here is set - a generous lot.
  • Out to Old Aunt Mary's

    James Whitcomb Riley

    eBook (, March 25, 2013)
    (...)"Out by the barn-lot and down the lane, We patter along in the dust again, As light as the tips of the drops of rain, Out to Old Aunt Mary's The last few houses of the town; Then on, up the high creek bluffs and down; Past the squat toll-gate with its well-sweep poll; The bridge, "the old 'baptizin'-hole',"(...)".
  • Panda Panic

    James Rix

    Paperback (B.E.S. Publishing, April 1, 2013)
    Panda Panic is an uproarious mini-novel for kids in Barron's frantically funny, stupendously silly, and fun-filled Awesome Animals series. Kids will start laughing the moment they open this short, easy-to-read novel--and they'll keep on turning the pages to find out which new tricks these hilarious Pandas are getting ready to concoct next. Comical black-and-white cartoon-style illustrations appear on many pages to capture the story's zany spirit. All Awesome Animals novels are divided into chapters, so that boys and girls can put the books down when Mom calls them for dinner--though kids will want to pick these stories up again as soon as they can!