Independent fourth reader; containing a practical treatise on elocution, illustrated with diagrams ...
James Madison Watson
(, March 6, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1876 Excerpt: ...let me go! "Mercy! thou peckest me to pieces!" The murderer answered, "Thou must fall, For I am great, and'thou art small." 1 Mut'u al, given and received; s Gormand (gar'mand), a glutton, interchanged: common. a ravenous or greedy eater. 4. He feasted; lo! an arrow flew And pierced the eagle's bosom thrgugh. Unto the hunter loud screamed he, "O, tyrant! wherefore1 murder me?" "Ah!" said the murderer, "thou must fall, For I AM GREAT AND THOU ART SMALL!" IL 40. CHERRIES OF HAMBURG. IN the Sarly part of the sixteenth century ch ernes were vfiry rare in Germany. TheTe had been a rot, and it waยง with the utmost difficulty that any could be preserved. 2. But a citizen of Hamburg, named Wolf, had in the middle of the town a walled garden, and in the garden he had gathered the rarest of cherry-trees, and by constant watchfulness he had kept away the disease from his fruit, so that he alone possessed healthy cherry-trees, and those in great abundance, bearing the juiciest cherries. 5. All who wished cherries must go to him for them, and he sold them at the highest prices, so that every season he reaped a great harvest of gold from his cherries. Far and near Wolfs cherry-trees were known, and he grew richer and more famous. 4. One season, when his cherry-trees were in blossom, and giving promise of an abundant crop, a war broke out in the north of Germany, in which Hamburg was invaded. The city was besieged, and so surrounded by the enemy, that no help could reach it. 6. Slowly they consumed all the provisions that were stored, and famine3 was staring them in the face; nor did they dare yield to the enemy, for in those days there was little mercy shown to the conquered, and while any hope remained, the people he...