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Books with author James Hastings

  • The Book Of Acts: Children's Great Bible Texts

    James Hastings

    language (Jazzybee Verlag, July 21, 2012)
    Here is a gold mine for the preacher, the teacher and the father and mother in the home who have it in mind to inculcate sound teaching, based upon the Word of God, so that the boys and girls of the congregations, Sunday-Schools and households may be thoroughly rooted and grounded in the essentials of the Christian faith. There are many volumes in this series of short addresses and they cover the entire range of the Holy Scriptures, from Genesis to Revelation. The material gathered here is fresh and varied and there is just enough of it to furnish the groundwork of the preacher's sermon, the Sunday school teacher's talk and the parent's reading and comment.Contents:Luke.Trying To See Into Heaven.Better Than Gold.Like To Like.Stubborn Peter.The Angel Face.Straight Street.A Chosen Vessel.Seaside Lodgings."People, Be Good."John Mark.Stand On Your Own Feet.Upside Down And Right Side Up.Something New.Bonfires.Sleepy-Head.The Land Of By-And-By.Children Of The South Wind.A Bundle Of Sticks.The Twin Brothers.Chains.
  • The Book Of Genesis: Children's Great Bible Texts

    James Hastings

    language (Jazzybee Verlag, July 21, 2012)
    Here is a gold mine for the preacher, the teacher and the father and mother in the home who have it in mind to inculcate sound teaching, based upon the Word of God, so that the boys and girls of the congregations, Sunday-Schools and households may be thoroughly rooted and grounded in the essentials of the Christian faith. There are many volumes in this series of short addresses and they cover the entire range of the Holy Scriptures, from Genesis to Revelation. The material gathered here is fresh and varied and there is just enough of it to furnish the groundwork of the preacher's sermon, the Sunday school teacher's talk and the parent's reading and comment.Contents:In The Beginning.The Perfect Pattern.Mist.Four Gardens.The Garden Of The Soul.The Onyx Stone.How We Hide.My Brother's Keeper.The Man Who Walked With God;Little Comforts.One Of Our Best Friends.The Hand.The Rainbow.Making A Name.The Voice Of God.Lot's Choice.An Ancient Battle.The Trial Of Abraham.Mount Moriah.Digging Wells.A Study In Meekness.Camouflage.A Shining Staircase.Mizpah.The Making Of A Great Man.A Man Who Forgot.What A Ring May Mean.The Climbers.A Storehouse Of Pictures.Heather Honey.A Father's Heart.Getting The Perspective.Your Occupation.Second Fiddle.Stability.
  • The Book Of Jeremiah

    James Hastings

    Paperback (Jazzybee Verlag, Feb. 26, 2018)
    Here is a gold mine for the preacher, the teacher and the father and mother in the home who have it in mind to inculcate sound teaching, based upon the Word of God, so that the boys and girls of the congregations, Sunday-Schools and households may be thoroughly rooted and grounded in the essentials of the Christian faith. There are many volumes in this series of short addresses and they cover the entire range of the Holy Scriptures, from Genesis to Revelation. The material gathered here is fresh and varied and there is just enough of it to furnish the groundwork of the preacher's sermon, the Sunday school teacher's talk and the parent's reading and comment.
  • The Book Of Isaiah: Children's Great Bible Texts

    James Hastings

    eBook (Jazzybee Verlag, July 21, 2012)
    Here is a gold mine for the preacher, the teacher and the father and mother in the home who have it in mind to inculcate sound teaching, based upon the Word of God, so that the boys and girls of the congregations, Sunday-Schools and households may be thoroughly rooted and grounded in the essentials of the Christian faith. There are many volumes in this series of short addresses and they cover the entire range of the Holy Scriptures, from Genesis to Revelation. The material gathered here is fresh and varied and there is just enough of it to furnish the groundwork of the preacher's sermon, the Sunday school teacher's talk and the parent's reading and comment.Contents:A Garden Without Water.Paper Boats.A Nail In A Sure Place.A Short Bed And Narrow Blankets.Keeping A Diary.A Protected Life.Christ Our Hiding-Place.The Highway To God.How God Hides.A Lady For Ever.An Iron Neck.Polished Arrows.The Language Of The Leaves.An Everlasting Name.Mending The Holes.
  • The Book Of Revelation: Children's Great Bible Texts

    James Hastings

    eBook (Jazzybee Verlag, July 21, 2012)
    The Book of Revelation, The Apocalypse, is the closing book and the only prophetical book of the New Testament canon. The author of this book was undoubtedly John the apostle. His name occurs four times in the book itself (1:1, 4, 9; 22:8), and there is every reason to conclude that the "John" here mentioned was the apostle. In a manuscript of about the twelfth century he is called "John the divine," but no reason can be assigned for this appellation. The date of the writing of this book has generally been fixed at A.D. 96, in the reign of Domitian. There are some, however, who contend for an earlier date, A.D. 68 or 69, in the reign of Nero.
  • The Book Of Proverbs: Children's Great Bible Texts

    James Hastings

    language (Jazzybee Verlag, July 21, 2012)
    The Book of Proverbs is a collection of moral and philosophical maxims of a wide range of subjects presented in a poetic form. This book sets forth the philosophy of practical life. It is the sign to us that the Bible does not despise common sense and discretion. It impresses upon us in the most forcible manner the value of intelligence and prudence and of a good education.
  • The Book Of Psalms: Children's Great Bible Texts

    James Hastings

    language (Jazzybee Verlag, July 21, 2012)
    Here is a gold mine for the preacher, the teacher and the father and mother in the home who have it in mind to inculcate sound teaching, based upon the Word of God, so that the boys and girls of the congregations, Sunday-Schools and households may be thoroughly rooted and grounded in the essentials of the Christian faith. There are many volumes in this series of short addresses and they cover the entire range of the holy scriptures, from genesis to revelation. The material gathered here is fresh and varied and there is just enough of it to furnish the groundwork of the preacher's sermon, the Sunday school teacher's talk and the parent's reading and comment.Contents:A Broken Trust.The Apple Of The Eye.What Colour Is Your Lamp?What Is Your Wish?The Banner Of Victory.A Song Of Love And Faith.The Right Kind Of Hands.The Right Kind Of Heart.Mules Or Men?The Right Kind Of Tongue.Ears And No Ears.An Unbecoming Necklace.Slippery Places.Such Is Fame.What Are They?Counting Our Days.Shadows.The Palm Tree.Daisies.One-Roomed Houses.The Great, Wide Sea.Wishes That Sting.The Way To Run.Climbing The Hills.God Everywhere.Darkness And Light.Searching The Cellars.The Door Of Our Lips.Corner Stones. (For Girls.)One Of God's Workmen.
  • The Book Of Ezekiel: Children's Great Bible Texts

    James Hastings

    language (Jazzybee Verlag, July 21, 2012)
    The Book of Ezekiel consists mainly of three groups of prophecies. After an account of his call to the prophetical office Ezekiel utters words of denunciation against the Jews, warning them of the certain destruction of Jerusalem, in opposition to the words of the false prophets. The symbolical acts, by which the extremities to which Jerusalem would be reduced are described in ch. 4, 5, show his intimate acquaintance with the Levitical legislation.
  • The Book Of Job: Children's Great Bible Texts

    James Hastings

    language (Jazzybee Verlag, July 21, 2012)
    Here is a gold mine for the preacher, the teacher and the father and mother in the home who have it in mind to inculcate sound teaching, based upon the Word of God, so that the boys and girls of the congregations, Sunday-Schools and households may be thoroughly rooted and grounded in the essentials of the Christian faith. There are many volumes in this series of short addresses and they cover the entire range of the Holy Scriptures, from Genesis to Revelation. The material gathered here is fresh and varied and there is just enough of it to furnish the groundwork of the preacher's sermon, the Sunday school teacher's talk and the parent's reading and comment.Contents:A Spider's Web.A Laughing-Stock.A Driven Leaf.A Prisoner In The Stocks.A Moth-Eaten Garment.Removing Rocks.The Topaz.Seals.The Treasures Of The Snow.Who Sends The Rain?Pointers.Seeing The King.
  • The Book Of Judges: Children's Great Bible Texts

    James Hastings

    language (Jazzybee Verlag, July 21, 2012)
    Here is a gold mine for the preacher, the teacher and the father and mother in the home who have it in mind to inculcate sound teaching, based upon the Word of God, so that the boys and girls of the congregations, Sunday-Schools and households may be thoroughly rooted and grounded in the essentials of the Christian faith. There are many volumes in this series of short addresses and they cover the entire range of the Holy Scriptures, from Genesis to Revelation. The material gathered here is fresh and varied and there is just enough of it to furnish the groundwork of the preacher's sermon, the Sunday school teacher's talk and the parent's reading and comment.Contents:God's Suns.Gideon The Brave.The Fowler's Snare.The King Of The Trees.A Swarm Of Bees.Samson.Taken By Surprise.
  • The Gospel Of Matthew: Children's Great Bible Texts

    James Hastings

    language (Jazzybee Verlag, July 21, 2012)
    Here is a gold mine for the preacher, the teacher and the father and mother in the home who have it in mind to inculcate sound teaching, based upon the Word of God, so that the boys and girls of the congregations, Sunday-Schools and households may be thoroughly rooted and grounded in the essentials of the Christian faith. There are many volumes in this series of short addresses and they cover the entire range of the Holy Scriptures, from Genesis to Revelation. The material gathered here is fresh and varied and there is just enough of it to furnish the groundwork of the preacher's sermon, the Sunday school teacher's talk and the parent's reading and comment.Contents:Follow The Gleam.The First Christmas Gift.Nazareth.Fighting The Dragon.The Merciful.The Peacemakers.A Pinch Of Salt.How To Be A Lamp.The Second Mile.Heavenly Treasure.Two Masters.Our Sisters The Birds.The Strait Gate.Let Him Who Loves Me Follow Me.Matthew The Publican.Serpents And Doves.Secrets.Dearer Than A Sparrow.An Easy Yoke.Treasure Trove.The Pearl.The Heart Of A Child.Guardian Angels.The Ungrateful Labourers.The Ass That Could Not Be Spared.Our Neighbours.What Is Your Talent?Inasmuch.Exchanges.The Language Of The Kingdom.The Story Of A Roman Lady."Let Be."
  • The Book Of Joshua: Children's Great Bible Texts

    James Hastings

    language (Jazzybee Verlag, July 21, 2012)
    Here is a gold mine for the preacher, the teacher and the father and mother in the home who have it in mind to inculcate sound teaching, based upon the Word of God, so that the boys and girls of the congregations, Sunday-Schools and households may be thoroughly rooted and grounded in the essentials of the Christian faith. There are many volumes in this series of short addresses and they cover the entire range of the Holy Scriptures, from Genesis to Revelation. The material gathered here is fresh and varied and there is just enough of it to furnish the groundwork of the preacher's sermon, the Sunday school teacher's talk and the parent's reading and comment.Contents:The Happiest Happiness.A Bit Of Red Cord.The Meaning Of A Monument.The Legend Of St. Christopher.