A complete collection of Scottish proverbs; explained and made intelligible to the English reader
James Kelly
(RareBooksClub.com, May 19, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1818 Excerpt: ...spoken to them whose anger we value not. Eng.--If you be angry, turn the buckle of your belt behind. 90. I brought him offihe moor for God's sake, and he begins to bite the bairns. Spoken when they whom we have supported make unhandsome and unthankful returns. Eng.--He has brought up a bird to pick out his eyes. Item.--Put a snake in your bosom, and it will sting when it is warm. 01. I'll make a shift, as Macwhid did with the preaching. Alexander Macwhid was a knowing countryman, and a great stickler for the king and church, in the time of the late anarchy. At the Restoration, clergymen being scarce, Bishop Taylor ask'd him if he thought he could preach; he answered that he could make a shift; upon which he was ordain'd, and got a small living near Lisburn. The proverb is spoken when we promise to do as well as we can. 92. Juck, and let a i jaw go o'er you. That is, prudently yield to a present torrent. Lat.--Is sapiens, quise ad casus accommodat omnes. 03. It was never ill said, that was not ill " ta'n. Intimating that we had no ill design in what we said, only the man took it ill. 94. It is good to be sure, quoth the miller, when he v moultered twice. m Makeitappear. " Distorted. Scratch. P Belly. fl Low. r Settle. Down with your head. i A wave " Taken. v Toojc the tool. Eng.--He that leaves certainty and sticks to cbance,-When the fool pipes, he shall dance. 95. It's a w sary collop that's got off a capon. One caunot take much where there is but little. 96. I'll serve you all with one met vessel. That is, I'll serve you all alike, or rather I will give nothing to any of you. 97. It is no sin to sell dear, but a sin to give ill mea sure. When yon sell the buyers are on their guard, but measures and weights are left to your conscience. 98. I...