Goal to Go
Jackson Scholz
(Wildside Press, May 26, 2017)
When Jeff Craig started his first year at the U.S. Naval Academy, he thought he was going to hate it and resolved not to let the Navy shape him into its mold. But the thing that really worried him was whether he would get a chance to play football on the Navy's first eleven. Things didn't look so good when he saw Ted Carson, the captain of the football team. Beacuse back at Penn, Jeff had started a fight with Ted Carson after their two teams had played. And that wasn't the end of it, as their fierce grudge fight in the Academy gym was to show... "The son of a Navy man starts out from what he calls the 'Snob Angle.' Determined to hate Annapolis, he eventually gets proper pride in his academy and wins the game for dear old Navy. ...the Annapolis background is interesting and accurate." -- Kirkus