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Books with author Jack L Knapp

  • The New Frontiers Series, Book One: The Ship

    Jack L Knapp

    eBook (Many Moons Publishing/Jack L Knapp, Dec. 12, 2015)
    Rockets are inherently limited; at some point, fuel and oxidizer becomes too heavy and the rocket itself too complicated.But what if there was a better way? A true electronic space drive, reliable, safe, and cheap to operate?But the drive system is only part of the problem; it takes money, management, and engineering to build a working spaceship. Lots of it. And even if you DO manage to build a working spaceship, what will you do with it?How can you recoup the initial investment and finance more ships?Threatened industries will try to shut the company down. Governments will try to take it over.How is a small, threatened company, barely a step from bankruptcy, to succeed despite such terrible odds? From a new industrial revolution to the brink of global war, restless humanity presses onward, eventually to the first contact with an alien species.There will be changes...if we survive.Fans of Carl Sagan, Arthur C. Clarke, and Jerry Pournelle will love this hard-SF series. some of the first ones I read in the 50sā€”AnReaders who like their socket wrenches properly used will love thisā€”T. Jackson KingInteresting approach combining near future with imaginative scienceā€”Amazon CustomerA real ā€œhardā€ science fiction novel. Jack Knapp continues to write a good story. I love that his editing is also superb. No more errors than Iā€™d find in a professionally published book.--Ronald Q. Smith
  • Darwin's World: An Epic of Survival

    Jack L Knapp

    eBook (Jack L Knapp, April 30, 2014)
    The Futurists have long sought determined people who could survive on Darwin's World long enough to pass on their genes. The children are their only hope; they may have the qualities needed to save dying humanity.Matt is just what they're looking for, an ultimate hero who can face the worst on a planet that's still locked in the ice age. A world of giant mammals, of saber-tooth cats, dire wolves, cave bears and mammoths!But on a planet with no law except survival of the fittest, predatory humans are the real danger...Fans of Jean Auel, Robert A. Heinlein, and S.M. Stirling will enjoy this take on hard-science survival....realistic....full of sound techniques for survival living...flows smoothly...A really fun read--C.A. Whiteman could almost smell the roast on the spit or the scent of a wild animal--Michael Chee K. Chew...the characters were well written...I was delighted in the plot because of the authenticity of the problems the people had. I'm hoping the author writes more of this story line--Christy Curtis...a very fine novel that asks, and answers, some interesting questions and gives readers something to think about--Mike Billington
  • The Trek: Darwin's World, Book II

    Jack L Knapp

    eBook (Jack L Knapp, May 29, 2014)
    Winter shows no sign of letting up and food is running out. Somewhere off to the southwest is a place of safety, as much as any place on this survival-of-the-fittest world is safe. More than their personal survival is at stake; they and their children are the last hope for dying humanity.The tiny band of transplanted humans have no choice; in the dead of an ice age winter, they head west. Knowing they'll have to cross huge rivers, brave attacks from savage animals that are as hungry as they are. And predatory humans, slavers who will see the column of weary refugees as easy pickings.One thing wrong with this idea: this weary group of refugees isnā€™t looking for a fight, but if one comes, theyā€™ll be ready.And they donā€™t take prisonersā€¦ Fans of Robert A. Heinleinā€™s Tunnel in the Sky, Jean Auelā€™s Earthā€™s Children, and S. M. Stirlingā€™s Emberverse series will love this new take on wilderness survival....It made me think of what Jean Auel would write in a Scfi setting only better--Kindle Customer...the characters were well written...I was delighted in the plot because of the authenticity of the problems the people had. I'm hoping the author writes more of this story line--Christy Curtis...a good job of explaining the actions and experiences of the characters... making you feel a part of the book--Stan Marshall
  • Home: Book Three, the Darwin's World Series

    Jack L Knapp

    eBook (Jack L Knapp, Feb. 8, 2015)
    The settlers have found their new Home, but there's a problem; the slavers are back. But this time, with high mountains to the west and winter soon to arrive, fleeing isn't an option. Another consideration; two of the tribe have been taken by the slavers. One small village, facing a nation founded on slavery? Matt is determined to get them back.Let the revolution begin!ā€¦three days of little sleep and lots of reading...enjoyed the series--Sue V. Whitelyā€¦read all 3 books and didn't want it to end! Very good story and author!--David A. Riegerā€¦a complete surprise...Definitely wouldn't have guessed that ending--BridsworldI almost fell out of my chair. This series so far has been excellent. I couldn't resist after that ending. I started the next book immediately even though it was 2 a.m.--Cecile Croghan
  • Combat Wizard: A Paranormal-ESP Thriller

    Jack L Knapp

    eBook (Jack L Knapp, March 17, 2014)
    Threatened by the very agency that created them, the telepath ā€˜Surferā€™ and ā€˜Tā€™, the psychokinetic code-named ā€˜Combat Wizardā€™, must disappear. But thereā€™s something the searchers need to keep in mind; T is not only the most dangerous man alive, heā€™s a hardened combat veteran whoā€™s suffering from survivorā€™s guilt. He lost too many friends, saw too much. He wonā€™t hesitate to defend himself or protect others who need his helpā€¦ "Fun start..."--Ronald Q. Smith"... a fascinating concept and a lot of interesting characters..."--Bridsworld"Wholeheartedly recommend it..."--J. Drew Brumbaugh
  • Darwin's World: An Epic of Survival: The Darwin's World Series, Book 1

    Jack L. Knapp, Tom Lennon, Jack Knapp

    Audible Audiobook (Jack Knapp, March 8, 2017)
    Wilderness survival? With nothing but a knife and hatchet? When you're alone, and the wilderness is Earth at the end of the ice age? Not all the dangers come from predatory animals.... Fans of Jean Auel, Robert A. Heinlein, and S.M. Stirling will enjoy this take on hard-science survivalism.
  • The Ship: The New Frontiers Series, Book 1

    Jack L. Knapp, Tom Lennon, Jack Knapp

    Audible Audiobook (Jack Knapp, Jan. 6, 2017)
    Building a spaceship that uses Nicola Tesla's revolutionary space drive is only the beginning. From a new industrial revolution to the brink of global war, restless humanity presses onward, eventually to the first contact with an alien species. There will be changes...if we survive. Fans of Carl Sagan, Arthur C. Clarke, and Jerry Pournelle will love this hard-SF series.
  • The Trek: The Darwin's World Series, Book 2

    Jack L Knapp, Tom Lennon, Jack Knapp

    Audible Audiobook (Jack Knapp, April 18, 2017)
    Darwin's World is still untamed, glorious, and dangerous. It's a world of cold and hunger, of huge beasts and humans who are just as predatory. The colonists begin an epic journey, hoping to find safety. Some won't survive.... Fans of Robert A. Heinlein's Tunnel in the Sky, Jean Auel's Earth's Children, and SM Stirling's Emberverse series will love this new take on wilderness survival.
  • Home: The Darwin's World Series, Book 3

    Jack L Knapp, Tom Lennon, Jack Knapp

    Audible Audiobook (Jack Knapp, July 3, 2017)
    Darwin's World is still a sparsely-settled Eden, but things are beginning to change. Nature is no longer the overwhelming challenge it was before. People are joining with others, towns are being established. But growth leads to conflict. Can Home's residents protect themselves from the slave raiders? Saber-toothed cats, lions, cave bears, dire wolves? Dangerous, to be sure. But humans are still their own worst enemy. Fans of S. M. Sirling, Robert A. Heinlein, and Jean Auel will love this series.
  • Darwin's World: An Epic of Survival

    Jack L Knapp

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Sept. 2, 2018)
    Earth is dying. Its human population has declined catastrophically; people have become so isolated that few children are being born. The usual cause of death is self-termination.The Futurists, aided by the worldwide Computer network known as Central, take a desperate gamble. They reach into the past to extract candidates who might possess the qualities that the people of 25th Century Earth have lost; courage, determination, curiosity, stubbornness. But how to know if they've found the right ones?The candidates are transplanted to a parallel Earth during the late ice age; a world of giant mammals; bison, mammoths, dire wolves, sabertooth cats. Equipped with only a knife and hatchet, they must survive or perish on their own. Their children will in turn be transplanted to future Earth to revive its failing civilization.But first, they must survive this survival-of-the-fittest world...Fans of Robert A. Heinlein and S. M. Stirling will love this book's imagination and attention to detail!
  • The New Frontiers Series, Book One: The Ship

    Jack L Knapp

    Paperback (Independently published, Sept. 2, 2018)
    Rockets are inherently limited; at some point, fuel and oxidizer becomes too heavy and the rocket itself too complicated.But what if there was a better way? A true electronic space drive, reliable, safe, and cheap to operate?But the drive system is only part of the problem; it takes money, management, and engineering to build a working spaceship. Lots of it. And even if you DO manage to build a working spaceship, what will you do with it?How can you recoup the initial investment and finance more ships?Threatened industries will try to shut the company down. Governments will try to take it over.How is a small, threatened company, barely a step from bankruptcy, to succeed despite such terrible odds? From a new industrial revolution to the brink of global war, restless humanity presses onward, eventually to the first contact with an alien species.There will be changes...if we survive.Fans of Carl Sagan, Arthur C. Clarke, and Jerry Pournelle will love this hard-SF series. some of the first ones I read in the 50sā€”AnReaders who like their socket wrenches properly used will love thisā€”T. Jackson KingInteresting approach combining near future with imaginative scienceā€”Amazon CustomerA real ā€œhardā€ science fiction novel. Jack Knapp continues to write a good story. I love that his editing is also superb. No more errors than Iā€™d find in a professionally published book.--Ronald Q. Smith
  • Darwin's World: An Epic of Survival

    Jack L Knapp

    Paperback (Independently published, Sept. 4, 2018)
    Finding food and shelter during the ice age is a challenge, to be sure. Especially when your only weapons are a knife and an axe. But on a planet with no law except survival of the fittest, predatory humans are the real danger... Fans of Jean Auel, Robert A. Heinlein, and S.M. Stirling will enjoy this take on hard-science survival. ...realistic....full of sound techniques for survival living...flows smoothly...A really fun read--C.A. Whiteman could almost smell the roast on the spit or the scent of a wild animal--Michael Chee K. Chew ...the characters were well written...I was delighted in the plot because of the authenticity of the problems the people had. I'm hoping the author writes more of this story line--Christy Curtis ...a very fine novel that asks, and answers, some interesting questions and gives readers something to think about--Mike Billington