FREDDIE EXPLORES THE SONORAN DESERT is a magical tale of adventure with desert wildlife and a Tohono O’odham girl named Johona. Freddie, Johona and the desert animals work together as a team helping each other. This is a story of friendship and team work while exploring and learning in the Sonoran Desert.
Burt's Musical ABC'S is about the alphabet, animals and musical instruments they play. Practice and learn your ABC's. Have fun and sing along while you learn about musical instruments.
FREDDIE EXPLORES THE SONORAN DESERT is a magical tale of adventure with desert wildlife and a Tohono O’ odham girl named Johona. Freddie, Johona and the desert animals work together as a team helping each other. This is a story of friendship and team work while exploring and learning in the Sonoran Desert.
Freddie's Magical Adventure is a story about a magical day at the seashore. Freddie daydreams about swimming with dolphins and his ocean friends help his wish come true.
Freddie and the Magic Garden is an exciting adventure about vegetable friends that magically appear to help Freddie. This is an amazing story of aging, youth and the magic of growth.
Little Louise and Coco is a story about a sweet girl who finds a kitty cat in her yard. She wants to keep the kitty, but Grandma is not sure. This story is an act of kindness and the mysterious medallion.
Freddie and the Magic Garden is an exciting adventure about vegetable friends that magically appear to help Freddie. This is an amazing story of aging, youth and the magic of growth.
Color the life cycle of a ladybug, cricket, butterfly, honey bee and a frog. Have fun learning and discovering the facts about them. Enjoy activities such as word search, mazes and draw your own life cycle.
(CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, May 29, 2014)
FREDDIE EXPLORES THE SONORAN DESERT is a magical tale of adventure with desert wildlife and a Tohono O’ odham girl named Johona. Freddie, Johona and the desert animals work together as a team helping each other. This is a story of friendship and team work while exploring and learning in the Sonoran Desert.