A monograph of the Mollusca from the Great Oolite, chiefly from Minchinhampton and the coast of Yorkshire; Supplementary monograph
John Morris
(RareBooksClub.com, May 14, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1863 Excerpt: ... British or Foreign. Mr. Whiteaves has figured a small species of Sowerbya,' Ann. and Mag., Nat. Hist.,' August, 1861, under the name of S. triangularis, Phil. Having had the advantage of comparing the original specimen, through the kindness of Mr. Whiteaves, with various Yorkshire specimens of S. triangularis, I feel unable to coincide in the opinion that it is identical with the species of Professor Phillips; the new Oxfordshire form is much smaller, less inflated, destitute of ornamentation; and the posterior side is so short that 'truncata' would be an appropriate name: it is from the Coral Rag of Oxfordshire. I have also found it in the Calcareous Grit at Scarborough Castle. The second small species figured by Mr. Whiteaves upon the same plate under the name of S. Deshaysea, Buv.? also appears to be distinct from each of the foregoing examples; the general figure is more compressed, the anterior slope is excavated, which renders its lower extremity pointed; the whole aspect somewhat resembles a Nucula. Our specimen figured is from the Cornbrash of Scarborough. Sowerbya Woodwardi, Lye. PL XL, figs. 27, 27 a, 27 b, 27 c. Testa ovato-trigona subdepressa, subaquilatera, latere posteriore breviori, planata, lavigata angulo obliquo diviso, dorso et latere antico striis longitudinalibus regularibus crebris, delicate instructis. Shell ovately trigonal, rather depressed, subequilateral, the posterior side being the shorter; the umbones are not very prominent nor large; the anterior and posterior borders slope obliquely downwards; the extremities of the valves are rounded; the surface has delicate, closely arranged regular longitudinal or concentric striations, which are separated from the smooth and flattened posterior side by a distinct angle. It is much small...