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Books with author J. Manoa

  • The Other Me #1

    J. Manoa

    language (EPIC Press, May 25, 2016)
    Odin Lewis has always known he is different from everyone else: he can levitate objects, look into the past, and learn things that no one else knows. Odin's life changes when his old friend Wendell returns—trouble is, Wendell isn't real. Under his illusory friend’s influence, Odin begins to question everything he thought he knew about himself, his family, his friends, and his entire life, while slowly learning more about his powers. The Other Me is Book #1 from The One, an EPIC Press series. Each EPIC Press series is made up of 6 short installments, intended for readers 14 and older.
  • The Other Me #1

    J. Manoa

    (Epic Press, Jan. 1, 2016)
    Odin Lewis has always known he is different from everyone else: he can levitate objects, look into the past, and learn things no one else can. Now, approaching his seventeenth birthday, Odin's life is changed when his old friend Wendell returns. Trouble is, Wendell isn't real, he's an imaginary friend absent since Odin was still a child. Wendell brings with him secrets both powerful and disturbing. Under Wendell's influence, Odin begins to question everything he thought he knew about himself, his family, his friends, and his entire life, while slowly learning more about his powers.Each EPIC Press series is made up of 6 books, intended for readers 14 and older.
  • Nobilitate Nobis

    J Manoa

    Library Binding (Epic Pr, Sept. 1, 2017)
    A series of killings threatens to shred the secret peace between the werewolves and guardians of Stumpvale. Both Nate and Riley become unwilling centers of attention on their respective sides--until finally, the peace unravels, and everything changes. Nobilitate Nobis is Book #3 from Werewolf Council, an EPIC Press series.
  • Pointed Hand

    J. Manoa

    Library Binding (Epic Pr, Sept. 1, 2017)
    Now cramped behind massive walls, Riley must deal with being surrounded by two groups who want nothing more than to find and punish her. Left to fend for herself, she learns the truth about the tragic events which shaped her. Pointed Hand is Book #5 from Werewolf Council, an EPIC Press series.
  • Never Alone

    J. Manoa

    Library Binding (Epic Pr, Sept. 1, 2017)
    As children, Nathaniel Wallace and Riley McKnight bonded over losing their fathers. Years later, they pass their time watching movies and imagining elaborate stories about the their small, Alaskan town. But Nate soon learns that his real life is more bizarre than any fiction. Never Alone is Book #1 from Werewolf Council, an EPIC Press series.
  • Wolfland

    J Manoa

    Library Binding (Epic Pr, Sept. 1, 2017)
    With their secrets revealed, Nate and his fellow werewolves are forced to live in the isolated ruins of their town. Meanwhile, Riley, now in exile, awaits the time when her duty as a so-called guardian may be required once more. Wolfland is Book #4 from Werewolf Council, an EPIC Press series.
  • The Hidden Blade

    J. Manoa

    Library Binding (Epic Pr, Sept. 1, 2017)
    A grisly murder rocks the town of Stumpvale. Nate learns that he is a part of a historic pact between werewolves and those who watch over them. Meanwhile, Riley finds a unique way to recover from the accident that nearly killed her. The Hidden Blade is Book #2 from Werewolf Council, an EPIC Press series.
  • Eden #4

    J. Manoa

    language (EPIC Press, May 25, 2016)
    After Odin learns the truth about the Solar Flare project he becomes desperate to escape. Odin takes the only action that he believes will allow him to overcome the hundreds of armed soldiers between himself and freedom: he gives control of his powers to Wendell. With Wendell unleashed, Odin watches helplessly as his powers are used to carve a horrific path of destruction. Eden is Book #4 from The One, an EPIC Press series. Each EPIC Press series is made up of 6 short installments, intended for readers 14 and older.
  • Talk to Me #2

    J. Manoa

    language (EPIC Press, May 25, 2016)
    Resentful that he is being limited, Odin begins to rebel against the authorities at school and home. Odin becomes suspicious that his parents aren't the loving caregivers they claim to be, but instead manipulative captors programming his every action and thought. When he finally learns the stark truth, that everything in his life up to this point has been a lie, he reaches a point of no return. Talk to Me is Book #2 from The One, an EPIC Press series. Each EPIC Press series is made up of 6 short installments, intended for readers 14 and older.
  • Talk to Me

    J. Manoa

    (Epic Press, Jan. 1, 2016)
    Resentful that he is being limited, Odin begins to rebel against the authorities in his life. At school, he acts up in class, refuses to do homework, and predicts answers before hearing the question. At home, Odin becomes suspicious that his parents aren't the loving caregivers they claim to be, but instead manipulative captors programming his every action and thought. With Wendell still whispering his head, Odin becomes more powerful and less trusting until finally learning a stark truth: everything he knows is a lie.
  • The Machine

    J. Manoa

    (Epic Press, Jan. 1, 2016)
    Far from the family who had secretly monitored him, armed guards follow Odin's every movement through an underground facility dedicated to the secret project known only as Solar Flare. Under the constant surveillance of General Edward Delgado, Odin is subjected to daily experiments which push his powers to their very limits and beyond. Although Odin's childhood therapist Alice Burnett assures him that these experiments are altruistic, Wendell continues to force doubt and suspicion directly into Odin's mind. Without any idea of Solar Flare's true purpose, Odin doesn't know who to trust or how to escape.
  • Activation #6

    J. Manoa

    (Epic Press, Jan. 1, 2016)
    Wendell has won. After demonstrating Solar Flare's destruction and with Odin completely powerless in front of him, nothing is left to can stand in Wendell's way. His plan is progressing exactly as he said it would. He is making the world everything he wants it to be. With his home taken away and only Dr. Burnett left from the life he once had, only one purpose remains for Odin: revenge. Reflecting on the lives stolen from his family, his friends, and from himself, Odin uses everything he has to strike back against Wendell and prevent him from causing further damage to Odin's world.