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Books with author J. D. Riley

  • Vampirate

    J Riley

    A pirate's ultimate dream...plunderin' and pillagin' for all eternity.
  • Beach Race

    J. D. Riley

    Paperback (Greenwillow Books, Aug. 16, 2013)
  • Rocky Road

    J D Riley

    Paperback (Greenwillow Books, Sept. 24, 2013)
  • Pavement Assassin: A look at self defence

    R.D. Riley

    (R.D. Rilley, Nov. 24, 2016)
    A book of personal account that discusses self defence. Weapons are debated but the author is unwavering in his hope that the law and lives are preserved. Ultimately the book aims to deliver a message. Self defence is an individual's unique pilgrimage. On which, learning to diffuse potentially aggressive situations or feel more ready to safeguard against attack helps to builds strength and confidence.