Moonshine Speaks
(Trust Works, Oct. 1, 2013)
Yes, animals can communicate and this book is an interesting look and adventure into what animals have to say. This is a very positive and uplifting book about the life of my dog, Moonshine. Not only do children love it, but adults love it too. Moonshine was a very charismatic dog. Wherever he went people flocked to him. What makes this book different and more exciting is that I used an animal comunicator, a dog whisperer, to find out what Moonshine actually thought and what he actually had to say about how he experienced his life as a dog. This happened in the last 3 years of his life. He was going blind and I mainly inquired about his sight and overall health, but sometimes he would tell me about other things. We were even able to communicate with him after he passed over and left his body.