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Books with author Idan Berger

  • Children's book: Billy Boy and the Spirit of Halloween

    Idan Berger

    language (, Oct. 11, 2015)
    Halloween is supposed to be fun, but what happens when the most exciting night of the year goes wrong?It's Halloween and Billy Boy is excited for yummy treats and lots of fun. All of the children are dressed in their spookiest costumes, ready to trick-or-treat. Unfortunately, Billy Boy's night of candy collecting goes awry when Old Man Edgar shoos him away in a fit of anger.So, the Spirit of Halloween decides to teach Old Man Edgar a lesson... What will happen to Edgar?Will Billy Boy step in and help? Will Billy Boy ever get his candy?
  • Children's book: Let's Go to the Library with Billy Boy

    Idan Berger

    language (, Nov. 2, 2015)
    Does your child enjoy reading? Not all children love reading, but once they find a good book, they'll love it for sure! In this story, your child will find out just how wonderful reading is!Billy Boy takes a trip to the library, where he immerses himself in a magical world full of books. He visits different places and times, all in the space of a few hours. He goes on journeys and quests in the space of his mind. Billy lets his imagination run wild and his mind grow. Billy loves reading and hopes that you'll love it too!
  • Children`s book: Maggie at the Playground

    Idan Berger

    language (, Aug. 23, 2015)
    Has your child ever fallen down and then thought the day was ruined? We all fall down sometimes and we all get hurt, but in this story, your child will learn that it's okay! We can just brush ourselves off and get right up again!Maggie takes a trip to the playground and has a great time playing on the slide and swinging so high it feels like she's flying. She even makes new friends in the sandbox.But then her mother hears her crying...What could have happened? Is Maggie's fun ruined? Find out in her most exciting story yet!
  • Children's book:13 Things That You Can Do With A Diaper Full Of Poo…

    Idan Berger

    language (, June 2, 2015)
    Do you like to laugh with your children? This book is for you! It’s an unusual, but very funny, children’s book! This funny book will make you laugh with your children, foster active imaginations, and provide ideas about how to use diapers...Laughing is healthy, and here's another way to laugh until your belly aches :)
  • Children's book: Billy Boy Loves Sports

    Idan Berger

    language (, Sept. 7, 2015)
    Do you want to teach your children how to deal with mistakes? Well, don't let their smile turn into a frown! Everybody makes mistakes, and in this story, we'll learn that our mistakes can actually be positive experiences! One day, Billy Boy ventures out into his neighborhood, finding lots of sports to play. He loves sports and he's good at almost all of them- except baseball. He just can't seem to get the hang of it… Will Billy Boy let his mistakes and frustration get the best of him? Or will he conquer his obstacle? Find out in this delightfully fun story!
  • Children's book: Billy Boy Goes to the Woods

    Idan Berger

    language (, Aug. 31, 2015)
    Are your children having trouble loving nature as much as the indoors? Many children like to stay inside, playing video games and watching TV, but sometimes, it's refreshing to take a walk outside and explore nature. In this story, your child will gain a greater appreciation for our beautiful world. Billy Boy goes for a walk in the woods, meeting a friendly little snail namedRufus. They become fast friends, showing each other the world around them.As Billy learns about the forest, he wishes everybody would love nature as much as he does. Join Billy Boy in his adventure in the woods and gain your own love for nature!
  • Children's book: Billy Boy goes to the Beach

    Idan Berger

    language (, Oct. 4, 2015)
    Is your child going to the beach? The sand and water are full of mysteries, waiting to be discovered and seen. In this story, your child will learn all about the sea and the adventure that awaits!Billy Boy goes to the beach and has the time of his life, building sand castles, collecting shells, and even making new friends. He learns about the ocean and the world beneath, realizing just how big the earth really is. Billy loves the magical sea so much; he wants to live there! Will Billy stay on land or venture out into the ocean blue? Find out in Billy Boy's newest journey!
  • Children`s book: Maggie at the Zoo

    Idan Berger

    language (, Aug. 15, 2015)
    Does your child love the zoo? The zoo is a magical place full of all kinds of awesome animals and fantastic things to learn about! In this story, your child will learn about the zoo and all it has to offer.Today is a special day for Maggie. Her mom is taking her to the zoo! Maggie gets to see some brilliant animals and her imagination gets a real work out! In her mind, she gets to ride on an elephant, slide down a giraffe's neck, and even fly with the birds.Maggie has a marvelous time, but at the end of the day, her heart has a special place for one particular animal.Can you guess what Maggie's favorite animal is? Find out in her newest adventure!
  • Children's book: Billy Boy Touches the Clouds

    Idan Berger

    language (, Sept. 21, 2015)
    Does your child have dreams or goals he wishes to reach? We all want to accomplish our goals, but sometimes life gets in the way. In this story, your child will learn to never give up and keep working towards his dreams!Billy Boy's goal is to touch the clouds, but the clouds are so far away! Billy begins to climb the tallest tree he sees. He climbs and climbs, finding he's not any closer to the sky. Will Billy become discouraged? Or will he keep climbing, knowing there's nothing he can't do without trying? Find out in Billy Boy's latest exciting adventure!
  • Children`s book: Maggie Watches the Clouds

    Idan Berger

    language (, Aug. 9, 2015)
    Does your child have an imaginative mind? Having an imagination is important for everyone, especially young children who are still developing. In this story, we'll learn all about how to use our imaginations!Maggie's too tired to play, so she lays down in the grass and watches the clouds instead. When she looks at the sky, a wonderful new world opens itself up to her. There are all kinds of amazing shapes in the sky, from elephants all the way to ice cream! What else does Maggie see? Read on and find out in her latest adventure!
  • Children's book: When Mommy Is Not Looking

    Idan Berger

    language (, June 2, 2015)
    Does your child ever do bad things behind your back? No need to worry, as long as you let your child know you'll love them no matter what! In this story, we'll learn that we can turn bad experiences into good ones!Roy knows he shouldn't take the candy bar, but his mother isn't around, so she doesn't have to know… But when Roy's little brother questions him, Roy gets angry. The rest of the day, he feels guilty. He has to tell his mother, but how will she react? Find out in this entertaining and touching story!
  • Children`s book: I want to be a princess

    Idan Berger

    language (, March 24, 2015)
    Do you want your child to know that you love him just the way he is?As humans, we all need love and attention. This need is even stronger in children,and they'd do everything in their power to get our attention.One of the most creative ways children get our attention (and they do it unconsciously)is to try to become superheroes who save the world, or magical princesses who help others.The idea behind this aspiration is that the character of the hero is loved by all, so if they arethe heroes, everyone will love them.The book I Want to Be a Princess deals with this subject.Julie wants to be a princess, as she's certain it's the greatest thing in the world.In a tender and caring way, Mom helps Julie realize that she's loved just the way she is,and that being a princess isn't as magical as it seems in fairytales...