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Books with author History Captivating

  • Franklin Roosevelt: A Captivating Guide to the Life of FDR

    Captivating History

    Explore How FDR Went from Almost Dying at Birth to leading the United States through the Great Depression and World War IIFree History BONUS Inside!As the thirty-second president of the United States of America, Franklin Delano Roosevelt is a common household name in both his home country and the world. Known as the man who led the United States through the Great Depression and World War II, Roosevelt was a leader and a statesman, a scholar, and a politician. Franklin D. Roosevelt is the only president to have served for three consecutive terms and voted in for a fourth, a fact that allows him to stand out among the long list of American presidents. Outside of his role as president of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt lived a full life. He was a father and a son, a husband and a career man. He was a bank officer and attended prestigious universities—Harvard University and Columbia University Law School—before practicing law. Additionally, he served as vice president for the Fidelity and Deposit Company. Perhaps most famously, Roosevelt served as governor of New York and president of the United States while he suffered from polio. Instead of allowing the disease to keep him from living a full life, he went above and beyond, training himself to walk without the power of his legs so that his voters would not know that he suffered in any capacity. What this book aims to do is determine who Franklin D. Roosevelt was as a person outside of the spotlight. This book wants to answer questions about this man. How did he interact with his wife and family? What were his exploits and his vices? His favored hobbies? Franklin Roosevelt: A Captivating Guide to the Life of FDR is an outline of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s life that not only gives a brief overview of his best-known feats but also provides a glimpse into who he was as a person.Some of the topics covered in this book include:FDR's Childhood and EducationHis Personal LifeEarly Political CareerPolio and Governing of New York1932 Presidential ElectionFirst Term in PresidencySecond Term in PresidencyThird Term in PresidencyRelations with Foreign LeadershipAnd much more!Scroll to the top and select the "BUY NOW" button for instant download
  • The War of 1812: A Captivating Guide to the Military Conflict between the United States of America and Great Britain That Started during the Napoleonic Wars

    Captivating History

    If you want to discover the captivating history of the War of 1812, then keep reading...Free History BONUS Inside!Among all of the conflicts that took place in American history, the War of 1812 is one of the most unique wars that helped to shape many of the important American milestones in the years to come. It was also a battle of surprises and irony as well—firstly, the weaknesses of both parties ultimately ended up being their respective strengths in the two years of constant fighting that started off in 1812. Secondly, the War of 1812 was the most pointless series of conflicts for the parties involved, as the geographical borders ultimately reverted back to what they were before the war, meaning all the resources and manpower that was used or lost during the fighting was all for naught. The War of 1812 was a local war between Canada (which was still under British authority) and the US, as well as a part of the Napoleonic Wars of the early 19th century. In a way, the War of 1812 was a byproduct of the prominent Napoleonic Wars, which was fought mainly in Europe. In The War of 1812: A Captivating Guide to the Military Conflict between the United States of America and Great Britain That Started during the Napoleonic Wars, you will discover topics such asPrelude to the WarKey Players and Statistics of the War of 1812Timeline of the War of 1812The War of 1812- The Invasion of CanadaThe War of 1812- The Taming of the WestThe War of 1812- The Creek WarThe War of 1812- Naval Battles of the War of 1812And much, much more!So if you want to learn more about the War of 1812, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!
  • The Phoenicians: A Captivating Guide to the History of Phoenicia and the Impact Made by One of the Greatest Trading Civilizations of the Ancient World

    Captivating History

    If you want to discover the captivating history of the Phoenicians, then keep reading...Free History BONUS Inside!The Phoenicians remain one of the most enigmatic ancient civilizations, with historians and scholars prone to speculation and educated guesses. Although many Greek, Roman, and Egyptian writers reference the Phoenicians in trade records, military battles, and artistic transactions, few records were left by the original Phoenicians themselves, leaving modern scholars to fill in the blanks through educated guesses and material culture. The ancient perception about this civilization was mixed. For every writer like Pomponius Mela who lavished praise upon the Phoenicians, there was another who derided the people as nothing more than cheats and hucksters who kept other states’ trade stymied through stranglehold networks and ridiculous deals. Mela described them as such: “The Phoenicians were a clever race, who prospered in war and peace. They excelled in writing and literature, and in other arts, in seamanship, and in ruling an empire.” To dissect Mela’s quote, the Phoenicians were great writers, yet they left almost no documents. They may have been excellent sailors and naval commanders, yet they built no territorial empire. They were stellar artists, yet their work contains few original elements. They may have been clever builders, yet their monuments crumbled. And the Phoenicians were a single civilization, yet they were split into city-states.How could a civilization exist with so many contradictions, and how can modern historians utilize evidence that no longer seems to exist to uncover the truth?Who were the enigmatic Phoenicians, why did their civilization crumble, and why should a modern audience care? Open this book to find out. In The Phoenicians: A Captivating Guide to the History of Phoenicia and the Impact Made by One of the Greatest Trading Civilizations of the Ancient World, you will discover topics such asOriginsThe World of the PhoeniciansPolitical and Legal StructuresDaily LifeBeauty and ApparelAn Unwritten Early HistoryVassal to the EmpiresTrade and the EconomyLanguage and AlphabetReligionWarfareArtistry in Multiple MediumsAnd much, much more!So if you want to learn more about the Phoenicians, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!
  • Ancient Anatolia: A Captivating Guide to Ancient Civilizations of Asia Minor, Including the Hittite Empire, Arameans, Luwians, Neo-Assyrian Empire, Cimmerians, Scythians, Persians, Romans, and More

    Captivating History

    If you want to discover the captivating history of ancient Anatolia, then keep reading...Free History BONUS Inside!What sparks curiosity about ancient Anatolia, which makes up most of modern-day Turkey, in the minds of history lovers is the diversity of its peoples throughout its territories and time. This book seeks to present the most current view on the events that unfolded through the centuries of the Bronze and Iron Ages of Anatolia. The reader can follow the rise of some of the most famous empires in the world, as well as learn about the circumstances that led to their fall. From early settlements of nomadic tribes to the creation of vast empires, Anatolia changed its face numerous times throughout history. Not just territories and kingdoms changed, but the people inhabiting it also did so as well, in their language, culture, and religion.Even though they were faced with a lack of evidence for certain periods of ancient Anatolia, or for certain peoples, historians seek to accurately paint the picture of the lives in all the various kingdoms of Anatolia. This book follows the Hittite Empire in its rise and fall. It discusses the Arameans and the influence of their culture on the civilized world, as well as the influence of the Luwians and their dispersion throughout Anatolia. Even if they were never able to organize a united Luwian Empire, they changed all the kingdoms they came in contact with. The effects of this ancient civilization can still be felt today as certain dialects of the Luwian language still exist in Anatolia.In Ancient Anatolia: A Captivating Guide to Ancient Civilizations of Asia Minor, Including the Hittite Empire, Arameans, Luwians, Neo-Assyrian Empire, Cimmerians, Scythians, Persians, Romans, and More, you will discover topics such asThe Hittite EmpireThe Aramean ConfederationThe LuwiansThe Neo-Assyrian EmpireThe CimmeriansThe ScythiansThe PersiansThe Seleucid Empire and Romans in AnatoliaAnd much, much more!So if you want to learn more about ancient Anatolia, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!
  • The Norman Conquest: A Captivating Guide to the Normans and the Invasion of England by William the Conqueror, Including Events Such as the Battle of Stamford Bridge and the Battle of Hastings

    Captivating History

    If you want to discover the captivating history of the Norman Conquest, then keep reading...Free History BONUS Inside!The year 1066 CE is one of the largest turning points in British history, with most people today having heard of the Battle of Hastings. The year had begun with the death of Edward the Confessor, a man who would be one of the last Anglo-Saxon kings. In the end, the course of the kingdom’s history would shift as William the Bastard became William the Conqueror. In The Norman Conquest: A Captivating Guide to the Normans and the Invasion of England by William the Conqueror, Including Events Such as the Battle of Stamford Bridge and the Battle of Hastings, you will discover topics such asEngland before the Death of a Pious King and the Norman InvasionEdward the Confessor and the Question of SuccessionThe Norwegian King Harald HardradaWilliam, Duke of NormandyHarold II of EnglandVerification of Events and Preparations for WarThe Invasion of the Norwegian King Harald HardradaWilliam Arrives in EnglandThe Battle of Hastings and William’s CoronationRebelling against the New King and the Consequences of Doing SoThe Domesday BookEffects of the ConquestShakespeare, Lully, and the New ArtSeers and ProphetsRecords of 1066 CE – Insight into a Time of TurmoilAnd much, much more!So if you want to learn more about the Norman Conquest, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!
  • Age of Enlightenment: A Captivating Guide to the Age of Reason, Including the Lives of Isaac Newton, Francis Bacon, John Locke, and Mary Somerville

    Captivating History

    If you want to discover the captivating history of the Age of Enlightenment, then keep reading...Free History BONUS Inside!The life of an eminent scientist during the Scientific Revolution and the ensuing Enlightenment was not easy. Ambitious people were killed in the name of the Catholic Church for their scientific and philosophical works, which were often viewed as heretical. As time went on, however, and the truths of scientific research and exploration showed themselves time and time again, the collective perspective of the population began to shift away from religious dogma toward the logical scientific method. The Enlightenment gained traction in the 17th century, and more emphasis was given to scientific techniques in the schools, as well as to the separation of religious and scientific data. Religious philosophies also became less rooted in the exact words of the Catholic Church, as papal authority gave way in many European countries to splinter groups of Christianity, such as the Calvinists, Lutherans, and other types of Protestants. Major figures of the Enlightenment period include Voltaire, Isaac Newton, John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, David Hume, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Adam Smith, Immanuel Kant, and Thomas Jefferson. These and many other great thinkers of the era influenced mass social upheaval in pursuit of equality and human rights, and many historians consider the culmination of these efforts to have been the French Revolution of 1789. In Age of Enlightenment: A Captivating Guide to the Age of Reason, Including the Lives of Isaac Newton, Francis Bacon, John Locke, and Mary Somerville, you will discover topics such asThe Republic of LettersMichel de MontaigneFrancis BaconMarie de GournayRené DescartesBathsua MakinAnna Maria Van SchurmanDorothy MoorePrincess Elisabeth of BohemiaRobert BoyleJohn LockeIsaac NewtonEngland's Civil WarThe Royal Society of LondonMarie du MoulinConflict in the Royal SocietyCharles-Louis de Secondat (Montesquieu)Benjamin FranklinDavid HumeAdam SmithThe Boston Tea PartyThomas PaineThe American RevolutionFrançois-Marie Arouet (Voltaire)Mary SommervilleAnd much, much more!So if you want to learn more about the Age of Enlightenment, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!
  • The Qing Dynasty: A Captivating Guide to the History of China's Last Empire Called the Great Qing, Including Events Such as the Fall of Beijing, Opium Wars, and Taiping Rebellion

    Captivating History

    If you want to discover the captivating history of the Qing Dynasty, then keep reading...Free History BONUS Inside!Succeeding the Ming dynasty in 1644, the Qing emperors managed to create one of the largest empires ever to exist in the territories of Asia and the fifth largest empire in the world. The Qing dynasty doubled the size of the Ming territory, but they also more than tripled its population, integrating not just Chinese but also Tibetans, Mongols, Burmese, Tai peoples, and the indigenous people of Taiwan, among others. The Qing dynasty governed this vast empire for nearly 300 years. In The Qing Dynasty: A Captivating Guide to the History of China's Last Empire Called the Great Qing, Including Events Such as the Fall of Beijing, Opium Wars, and Taiping Rebellion, you will discover topics such asThe Fall of the Ming DynastyThe Kangxi EmperorReign of Emperors Yongzheng and QianlongThe Jahriyya Revolt, White Lotus Rebellion, and Eight Trigrams UprisingThe First Opium WarThe Second Opium WarTaiping RebellionSelf-Strengthening of ChinaEmpress Dowager CixiBoxer RebellionThe Last EmperorAnd much, much more!So if you want to learn more about the history the Qing Dynasty, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!
  • India: A Captivating Guide to the History of India, The East India Company and Dutch East India Company

    Captivating History

    If you want to discover the captivating history of India, then keep reading...Free History BONUS Inside!Three captivating manuscripts in one book:History of India: A Captivating Guide to Ancient India, Medieval Indian History, and Modern India Including Stories of the Maurya Empire, the British Raj, Mahatma Gandhi, and MoreThe East India Company: A Captivating Guide to the English Company That Was Created for the Exploitation of Trade with East and Southeast Asia and IndiaThe Dutch East India Company: A Captivating Guide to the First True Multinational Corporation and Its Impact on the Dutch War of Independence from SpainIndia is a land of mystery, richness, and deep spiritual discovery. Every facet of this ancient land seems scented with the famous spices that lured European traders to its shores more than five centuries ago. Here, Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Sikhs, and Buddhists live shoulder to shoulder in a crowded world of multiple gods and juxtaposed pilgrimage routes, each one perfectly peaceful in their own beliefs and traditions. More than one billion people live on the Indian subcontinent, working in a range of industries that begins in the agricultural sector and ends in the high-tech business world of Delhi. Intensified manufacturing and digital technologies have brought modern India into the global market, trading in communications software, customer service, and IT management—but these are far from the technologies and industries that put this ancient land on every map. Long before the British Raj or the tea trade, India was beloved for its spices and jewels. For much of history, India provided the majority of the world’s diamonds from its own mines. Some of those sparkling, perfect gems grace the likes of the British crown jewels.Some of the topics covered in part one of this book include:The Indus River ValleyMythology of the Vedic AgeAryan India and the Great Vedic DebateAlexander the GreatThe Empire of Chandragupta MauryaBuddhism and the Regrets of AshokaThe Return of the GreeksThe Gupta EmpireAncient Mathematical DiscoveriesThe Delhi SultanateBabur and the Mughal EmpireThe Taj Mahal and a Story of LoveIndia is “Rediscovered” by PortugalThe Maratha EmpireThe East India Trading CompanyEast India Company RuleThe British RajThe Caste SystemMohandas GandhiThe Salt March and IndependenceWildlife, Then and NowA Brief History of the CurryThe Space ProgramAnd much, much more!Some of the topics covered in part two of this book include:The Company’s First Century: Establishment and Growth of the EIC, Rivals, and IssuesThe Company’s Second Century: Growth and Expansion, Trade with China, Financial Crises, and “Statehood”The Company’s Third Century: The EIC’s Military Exploits, Indian Nationalism, Racial and Religious Ideologies, and the Dissolution of the EICEffects of the EIC: Changes in the British Society, Impact on Local People Groups, and Growth of the British EmpireNotable Individuals of the EIC EraAnd much, much more!Some of the topics covered in part three of this book include:Birth of a CorporationThe Company on the RiseFall of the GiantStructure and Organization of the VOCThe Good, the Bad, and the VOCAnd much, much more!So if you want to learn more about the India, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!
  • The Salem Witch Hunt: A Captivating Guide to the Hunt and Trials of People Accused of Witchcraft in Colonial Massachusetts

    Captivating History

    If you want to discover the captivating history of the Salem Witch Hunt, then keep reading...Free History BONUS Inside!Decades after witch-hunting had begun to die down in Europe, North America was about to witness its bloodiest witch hunt in history. The Massachusetts of 1692 was a very different one to the state we know today. Populated by colonists, many of them a generation or less from life in an England bathed in religious turmoil, Massachusetts was not the safe haven that the fleeing Puritans had hoped it would be. Persecuted for their faith in Europe, the Puritans had pictured a kind of utopia founded on biblical principles. They saw the New World as a new beginning, a kind of second chance for humanity. It would be only 72 years after the arrival of the Mayflower that the events in Salem would make it blatantly obvious that humanity had already blown it again.This is not the story of the trials. This is the story of its people. This is not an attempt to explain the events of 1692. It is an attempt to bring to life the victims who died so unjustly. In this book, we will walk side by side with the destitute Sarah Good as she realizes that after having lost all she owns, her reputation, her baby, and even her life will still be taken from her. We stand at the bar with Rebecca Nurse, a sweet little old lady who is sentenced to hang for what she must have perceived to be the most heinous of crimes. We witness George Burroughs at the gallows, a former minister now condemned to die for his supposed alliance with Satan, as he delivers a speech so stirring that it takes quick thinking from his enemies to prevent the crowd from rushing forth to cut him down. We feel our own breaths catching as we watch the cruel and greedy Sheriff George Corwin piling rocks onto the fragile eighty-year-old body of Giles Corey, who is determined to die without entering a plea so that his sons will still get the inheritance he promised them.We will walk through this history in the footprints of those who suffered the hardest in it. The Salem witch hunt and trials killed many and ruined the lives of countless others. And this is their story.In The Salem Witch Hunt: A Captivating Guide to the Hunt and Trials of People Accused of Witchcraft in Colonial Massachusetts, you will discover topics such asWitches in EuropeSalemStrange AfflictionsThe Affliction of Elizabeth HubbardThe Confession of TitubaFuel on the FireThe Madness IntensifiesThe Reverend in League with the DevilThe First CasualtyHangingA Bid for MercyThe Reverend HangsCrushedEight Innocent FirebrandsGlimmers of SenseNot GuiltyThe Last CasualtyLife After the TrialsThe Second SalemRemembering SalemAnd much, much more!So if you want to learn more about the Salem Witch Hunt, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!
  • Founding Fathers: A Captivating Guide to Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, John Jay, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and James Monroe

    Captivating History

    Explore the Captivating Lives of the Founding FathersFree History BONUS Inside!Eight captivating manuscripts in one book:Benjamin Franklin: A Captivating Guide to an American Polymath and a Founding Father of the United States of AmericaGeorge Washington: A Captivating Guide to an American Founding Father Who Served as the First President of the United States of AmericaJohn Adams: A Captivating Guide to an American Founding Father Who Served as the Second President of the United States of AmericaThomas Jefferson: A Captivating Guide to an American Founding Father Who Was the Principal Author of the Declaration of Independence and the Third President of the United StatesJohn Jay: A Captivating Guide to an American Statesman, Patriot, Diplomat, Governor of New York, the First Chief Justice, and One of the Founding Fathers of the United States of AmericaJames Madison: A Captivating Guide to an American Founding Father Who Served as the Fourth President of the United States of AmericaAlexander Hamilton: A Captivating Guide to an American Founding Father Who Wrote the Majority of The Federalist PapersJames Monroe: A Captivating Guide to the Founding Father Who Served as the Fifth President of the United StatesSome of the topics covered in part 1 of this book include:Young, Earnest, and FoolhardyNaiveté Collides with Reality“B. Franklin, Printer”Philosopher, Inventor, and Public ServantBenjamin Franklin: England 1757-1762Benjamin Franklin in London: 1764-1769And much, much more!Some of the topics covered in part 2 of this book include:She Was Horrified!From Tranquility to TurmoilTwo If by Sea!One Shot Starts the RevolutionCanada to New JerseyA Year of HardshipVictory>And much more!In part 3 of this book, you will:John Adams: Political ActivistFrom Counsel to PatriotThe Second Continental CongressJohn Adams: Diplomat & ConstitutionalistJohn Adams: Vice President and Then President under the New ConstitutionTo Fight or Not to Fight: The Quasi-WarAnd much, much more!Some of the topics covered in part 4 of this book include:Young Jefferson Leaps into Adulthood“Two if by sea!” – Jefferson: Evolution into a RevolutionaryJefferson and the Declaration of IndependenceThe “War” Governor of VirginiaAnd much more!Some of the topics covered in part 5 of this book include:From Tyranny to FreedomYearning to Be FreeFreedom Is ExpensiveNew York in CrisisJohn Jay in the Midst of the American RevolutionTreaty of Paris and RepercussionsConstitution and CourtAnd much, much more!Some of the topics covered in part 6 of this book include:Early Life and EducationJames Madison: Prankster and Protester!Spirit of the RevolutionThe Governor’s Council – The Second Continental Congress and its AftermathAnd much more!Some of the topics covered in part 7 of this book include:From Nevis to Boston From Pen to SwordOnset of Hamilton’s Political CareerEconomy and the First National BankThe Time the Troubles StartAnd much more!Some of the topics covered in part 8 of this book include:His Early YearsThe Revolutionary WarEarly Political Career and Family LifeAmbassador to FranceJames Monroe: Slave OwnerThe Governorship & Return to FranceAnd much more!So if you want to learn more about the life of Founding Fathers, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!
  • Celts: A Captivating Guide to Ancient Celtic History and Mythology, Including Their Battles Against the Roman Republic in the Gallic Wars

    Captivating History

    If you want to discover the captivating history of the Celts, then keep reading...Free History BONUS Inside!Today, the word Celtic means so many things. To most of us, it means something related to Ireland. We think of intricately designed Irish crosses, four-leaf clovers, and some of the more well-known stories of Celtic mythology. However, while Celtic culture has stayed alive in Ireland, its roots run much deeper, and they extend much farther than the small island nation off the coast of modern-day Great Britain. The story of the Celts is one of a rapid rise to prominence followed by a slow decline due to the influence of the Romans. But even so, Celtic culture has remained strong in Europe and has been able to persist to this day. So, even though the Celts represent just a small part of today’s modern world, they are a massive part of its history, which means that studying the ancient Celts today is a great way to unlock some of the secrets buried in the depths of ancient history.In Celts: A Captivating Guide to Ancient Celtic History and Mythology, Including Their Battles Against the Roman Republic in the Gallic Wars, you will discover topics such asWho Were the Celts?The Celtic MigrationsThe Many Celtic Tribes of EuropeThe CeltiberiansThe Gallic WarsThe Insular CeltsCeltic WarriorsCeltic Way of LifeCeltic ReligionCeltic ArtAnd much, much more!So if you want to learn more about the Celts, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!
  • European History: A Captivating Guide to the History of Europe, Starting from the Neanderthals Through to the Roman Empire and the End of the Cold War

    Captivating History

    Explore the Captivating History of EuropeFree History BONUS Inside!The history of people in Europe is a fascinating one that starts, as most do, with hunters, gatherers, and fishermen that eventually explode into a kaleidoscope of niche cultures—each with its own gods, goddesses, food staples, and building techniques. Initially quite isolated from one another, the people of Europe evolved intricate social systems and relationships with one another that eventually bonded them through trade and marriage. They built farms, villages, cities, and entire empires to protect their cultures and convert others to their ways of thinking, only to have it all crumble under the strength of the next warlord.Europe’s past is characterized by fighting and warfare, and it is punctuated with great works of art, philosophy, science, and technology. Even its recent history is much the same—that’s why so much of the globe was once ruled by European monarchies. Despite all the infighting and territorial exploits, Europeans have managed to create some of the most beautiful pieces of literature, architecture, political structures, and ideas the world has ever seen.In European History: A Captivating Guide to the History of Europe, Starting from the Neanderthals Through to the Roman Empire and the End of the Cold War, you will discover topics such asPrehistoryThe Neolithic RevolutionThe Bronze AgeEarly Tribes of EuropeThe Iron AgePrehistoric BritainThe Classical GreeksThe Roman EmpireThe VikingsThe Dark AgesThe Holy Roman EmpireThe Rise of WessexThe Norman ConquestMarco Polo and Renaissance ItalyJoan of ArcIsabella I of CastileThe Age of DiscoveryThe ReformationThe EnlightenmentThe French RevolutionThe Industrial AgeThe British Empire of Queen VictoriaThe Great WarThe Russian RevolutionWorld War IIThe Cold War EraAnd much, much more!So if you want to learn more about European history, scroll up and click the "add to cart" button!