Catalogue of casts of fossils; from the principal museums of Europe and America, with short descriptions and illustrations
Henry Augustus Ward
(, March 6, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1866 Excerpt: ...some of the largest Trilobites known. From the Lower Silurian at Ginetz, Bohemia. Size, 6x3. Price, $1.00. No. 438. Paradoxides Harlani, Green. This specimen, in which the tail is wanting, was found in the Quebec Group (Lower Silurian), Braintree, Massachusetts. Size, 12 x 9. Price, $2.50. No. 439. Paradoxides Davidis, Salter. From the Lower Lingula Flags (Lower Silurian), St. Davids (Pembroke), South Wales. Size, 11 x 9. Price, $2.00. No. 440. Parodoxides spinulosus, Broug. Body and Caudal Segments. This specimen, showing well the backward prolongation of the ribs on the caudal portion, is from the Lower Silurian of Skrey, Bohemia, and is now in the private Geological Cabinet of Mr. Ward, Ro-' Chester. Price, $0.75 No. 441. Phacops bufo (var. rana), Green. Trilobites of the genus Phacops have very large, prominent, granulated eyes, forming a segment of a cone, distinct trilobation, and eleven body-rings. This species, the Calymene macrophthalma of Brongniart, and perhaps identical also with the Phacops latifrons of Bronn, has a very convex head, occupying one-third of the whole length, a tuberculated glabella, and the eleven pleurae bent down at the extremities. There are 66 lenses in each eye. This specimen (coiled) is from the Hamilton Group (Devonian), Ontario Co., N. Y. No. 443. Phacops cephalotes, Corda. From the Upper Silurian Limestone at Tetin, Bohemia. No. 443. Phacops Logani, Hall. From the shaly limestone of the Lower Helderberg Group (Upper Silurian), New York. Price, $0.60. No. 444. Placoparia Zippei, Bock. From the Lower Silurian, Rokycan, Bohemia. Price, $0.30. No. 445. Proetus longicaudus, Hall. In this genus, the eyes are of moderate size, very prominent, smooth, and joined rather closely to the glabella; and the body has ten segments. Thi...