Synopsis of the classification of the animal kingdom
Henry Alleyne Nicholson
(, March 6, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1882 Excerpt: ...Fam. 6. Phasmidse.--Phasma, Phyttiwm (Walkingleaves). Sub-ord. 3. Saltatoria. Fam. a. Gryllidse.--Gryllotalpa (Mole-cricket), Gryllus (Cricket). Fam. b. Locustidse.--Locusta. Fam. c. Acrididas.--(Edipoda (Migratory Locust), Acri dium (Grasshopper). Sub-ord. 4. Euplexoptera. Fam. Forficulidse.--Forficula (Earwig). Fig. 63.--Orthoptera. The Common Cockroach Periplaneta orientalU), male and female. Order III.--Neuroptera. Sub-ord. 1. Corrodentia. Fam. a. Psocidse.--Psocus. Fam. b. Embiidse.--Embia. Sub-ord. 2. Isoptera. Fam. Termitidse.--Termes (White Ants, fig. 64). Sub-ord. 3. Amphibiotica. Fam. a. Perlidse.--Perla (Stone-flies). Fam. b. Epkemeridse.--Ephemera (May-flies), Chloeon. Sub-ord. 4. Odonata (Dragon-flies). Fam. a. Libellulidse.--Libellula. Fam. b. iEshnidse.--uEshna. Fam. c. Agrionidse.--Agrion. Fig. 64.--Different individuals of the colony of one of the Termites, A, The qneen, before the wings are shed; D, The queen, after the wings are thrown off and the abdomen has become greatly distended with eggs; c, Worker; B, Soldier. Sub-ord. 5. Planipennia. Fam. a. Myrmeleontidse.--Myrmeleo (Ant-lion). Fam. b. Hemerobiidse.--Chrysopa. Fam. c. Sialidse.--Corydalis. Fam. d. Panorpidse.--Panorpa (Scorpion-fly). Sub-ord. 6. Trichoptera (Caddis-flies).--Phryganea, Limnophilus. Sub-class III.--Holometabola. Order I.--Aphaniptera. Fam. Pulicidse.--Pulcx (Flea), Sarcopsylla (Chigoe). Order II.--Diptera. Sub-ord. 1. Pupipara. Fam. a. Hippoboscidte.--Hippobosca (Forest-fly), Melo phagus (Sheep-tick). Fam. b. Nycteribiidse.--Nyderibia. Sub-ord. 2. Brachycera. Fam. a. Tabanidse.--Tabanus (Gad-fly). Fam. b. Asilidse.--Asilus. Fam. c. Syrphidse.--Syrphus, Volucella. Fam. d. CEstridEe.--(Estrus (Bot-fly). Fam. e. Muscidse.--Musca, Stomoxys, Anthomyia. Sub-ord. 3. Nemoc...